Top Tips: Supplement Success for children
Before you begin giving your child supplements, ensure that they can follow instructions and comfortably handle chunky textured foods (e.g. oatmeal or chunky applesauce) without gagging or choking. Also, make sure they can swallow liquids without spilling or coughing. If this is ok, they should be ready to learn pill swallowing.
“I am but no saint!” Hot tips for supplement taking and healthier meals
We spoke to a mum who's been through our programme and we asked her for her hot tips on how she manages to incorporate healthier meals and supplements into her family's diet.
Full Moon, Insomnia and Magnesium
Did you catch the item on the news the other day about the full moon and disrupted sleep? Did you know that magnesium deficiency could be linked to poor sleep? Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps relax your muscles and nerves, and is commonly linked to reduced fatigue and tiredness.