Neurodiversity In Schools · Support For Teachers, Students & Parents

Excellent education is not simply about good teaching - the 'transmit', as it were,
but also about the 'receive' part of the equation.

Are the children at your school able to fully process all that great teaching?

The Key Clinic is a trusted partner to schools, removing the barriers that prevent children achieving their full potential. 

Do you notice…

  • A mismatch between how intelligent a child appears and what they can translate onto paper? 

  • Certain children are zoning out and require extra support?

  • Does it take some children longer or more effort to complete tasks? 

  • Some children are more challenging and disruptive in the classroom and it seems beyond their control?

Retained primitive reflexes, auditory processing issues and even biochemical imbalances can all make school work much harder than it should be. Children end up having to compensate for things not functioning as they should be, which means they underperform relative to their intelligence.

We work to remove these barriers, making it much easier for children to be able to perform at their best. More importantly, our work helps to build confidence, resilience and happiness, without medications. 

Benefits for schools

✓ Better overall academic results

✓ Happier, healthier, more emotionally resilient children

✓ Less disruption and better concentration in class

✓ Reduced distraction to other children

✓ Helping teaching staff and Senco get better results from their work

How To Support Neurodiverse Students

We specialise in working with neurodiverse individuals, as well as those without diagnosis, to help them fully ignite their natural ability to grow and learn. Ensuring that every type of learner has the opportunity to flourish. We have everything under one roof, with a wide range of expertise, with a fully individualised approach to unlocking potential.

Learning Difficulties Support

Everyone learns differently, but for some, underlying barriers prevent them learning easily or effectively. 

Smart children are typically able to compensate up to a point, but as the workload and level increase, they begin to underperform relative to how smart they are. The ability to compensate is running out. ​

We do not only identify learning difficulties, we work to actually address the root causes that hold a child back. This may include maturing the nervous system, rebalancing the biochemistry, improving functional health and recalibrating the hearing. 

Training For Learning Support Assistants & Teachers

If a problem is identified, then it is better to assess this while a child is still young, before they begin to lose their self-confidence, become increasingly exhausted or start to fall behind.

Importantly the work done now, will be carried with that child for a lifetime, making their future school life and career much easier.

We provide support for the supporters! By providing continual professional development, upskilling and also helping provide a twice-yearly forum for learning support staff to network and learn from each other. 

By combining forces with SenCo departments we can achieve game-changing results together!

We remove the barriers to learning and Senco’s does the essential task of filling in the knowledge gaps and establishing new working patterns. 

Neurodiverse & SEN Support For Parents

There is a saying that “you are only as happy as your least happy child”. If a child is experiencing difficulties, then it has an impact on the whole family. By working to resolve the root causes of problems, we frequently are told that “home life has just become much easier!”

We work closely with families to support them during our programmes, so that together, we can achieve the desired outcome. For some families, this requires us to do most of the ‘heavy lifting’ which we can do as part of our intensive programmes. It is important to understand that this is a team effort: with families, pupils and the key clinic all involved to reach the best results.

We also have a very experienced Psycho-therapist (and ex-Senco teacher) on hand, to provide additional help and support if required. 

How do you work with pupils and schools?

There are several ways we can work with schools. Importantly, no extra work is required on behalf of the schools themselves. 

Pupil Referrals:

We come and talk to parents/staff and then for them to self-refer to us 


Teachers and staff may choose to refer pupils and their families directly to us

Process/Prices (billed directly to families)

Step 1. 

Initial Screening Consultation with parent only (via Zoom or in person £175)

Step 2.

Specific Assessments are recommended for that child
(assessment prices range from £225-£495)

Step 3.

Programmes to address the root causes of learning barriers are recommended. These range in price from £1,500 to £3,950

Group Assessments in Schools:

We can also provide assessments across entire year groups ‘Potential to Performance Checks’ one pupil at a time, in the school setting. Ideally, this should be carried out in either year 2 or 3. (Much like an eyesight test or hearing test, parents can choose to sign up for this)

The Process/Prices (billed to schools)

We regularly travel to schools and carry out topline year-group screenings, one individual at a time. 

Step 1. The cost for a topline screening per child, in school, is £275 per pupil, which includes:

  • Screening questionnaire (for parents to fill in)

  • Topline Neurodevelopmental and ocular-motor (eye tracking) check-up

  • Video report

If any areas of potential dysfunction are identified, the parent will be advised to follow a personalised program. Optional continuation:

Step 1. 20 minute discussion with a practitioner to discuss findings (in person or via Zoom, Free of charge)

Step 2. Specific Assessments are recommended for that child (assessment prices range from £225-£495)

Step 3. Programmes to address the root causes of learning barriers are recommended. These range in price from £1,500 to £3,950

Please call us on 020 7486 4462 or email to find out how we can support your school.