The Key Clinic Auditory Integration Training Programme
Most hearing tests only screen for hearing loss; they do not assess HOW someone hears. The way in which we hear impacts our ability to process what is being said to us, our ability to develop speech, and our ability to read and spell.
Dr Guy Berard, a pioneering French ENT doctor, identified a clear link between learning/ behavioural/ speech and language issues and distortions of the hearing pattern. He developed a form of AIT (Auditory Integration training) to help ‘re-educate’ the ears to listen better.
We have built on this important work, by developing BrightBeatz, our propriety form of Auditory Integration Training. BrightBeatz delivers fully customised, ‘modulated’ music to help stimulate the ears and encourage better listening.
The programme takes place over 10 days (two 30 minute sessions a day, at home). Some parents report improvements immediately after the course and others, cumulatively over the coming months and years.
While results can vary between individuals, many parents have reported the following improvements across the following areas:
Reading and spelling
Speech and language delays and difficulties
Hypersensitive hearing
Auditory processing
Emotional regulation
Sensory integration
Working memory
Spatial awareness
If you or your child has been receiving treatment, do not stop or suspend their treatment program without consulting their doctor. Our approach is intended to complement any medical treatment, rather than replace it.
How does it work?
Regular audiograms simply measure hearing loss, but do not assess the way in which someone hears.
Dr Berard argued that these underlying distortions in the hearing profile can impact reading, spelling, speech/language and behaviour.
Dr Berard’s Key Findings/Observations:
Hypersensitive hearing can make it impossible to phase out background noises, making a person highly distractible. This may also lead to anxiety issues and social withdrawal.
Distortions mean not all sounds are being heard at the same volume. For such people, listening to language is a bit like listening on a mobile phone in an area of poor reception.
Dyslateral hearing means some people tune into one ear for some sounds and the other ear for different sounds. This can result in flipping the order in which sounds are processed by the brain, resulting in speech and language problems or poor auditory processing.
BrightBeatz was developed by Audiology Professor Joshua Reiss of Queen Mary University London, with The Key Clinic. The aim was to digitalise Berards AIT, so that it could be listened to at home, without having to visit the clinic.
Modulated music is used to encourage better listening skills.
The programme takes 10 hours in total (two 30-minute sessions a day).
BrightBeatz Testimonial
Main concerns: hypersensitivity hearing – A 13 year old boy – BrightBeatz programme – Aug 24
"I have been noticing changes in my hearing, how sounds aren't as sharp anymore like they used to be. I think doing the Auditory therapy has been helpful. Two of the differences are that I am not getting as many headaches, and when I am in noisy environments like school, I don't feel as stressed and don't have to cover my ears very much either now."
— Boy (13 Years Old)
"Since completing the auditory therapy, the difference in my 13 year old son has been incredible! Shortly after finishing the 10-day course, he sat his Common Entrance exams and came out with an A* (he was predicted to fail). He was able to focus and not be distracted in exams and, overall, is less affected by sound and much happier."
Advice to other parents: "Brace yourself for their behaviour declining half way through but this is only temporary and will be followed by an extraordinary improvement.
You won't regret it!"
— His Mother
Please call us on 020 7486 4462 or email to find out how we can support you or your child.