The Key Clinic specialises in supporting children with a wide range of concerns
Those who are finding things difficult; who are either underperforming relative to their intelligence, or having to put in more effort than others
Those who may have been given a diagnosis such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism or ADHD
Children and teens with mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression or anger outbursts and mood swings
Is something holding your child back?
The Key Clinic is renowned for the work we do unlocking children’s potential.
You may have a child who is not ‘firing on all cylinders’ or one who appears to have to work much harder than should be necessary to achieve the results they do at school. Some children consistently underperform relative to their intelligence, resulting in increased stress and a loss of confidence.
It is not just a question of ‘attitude’, it’s about ‘biology’.
Retained primitive reflexes, distorted hearing patterns, and biochemical imbalances can all interfere with school work, making it harder to focus and take in what is being taught.
The Key Clinic specialises in helping children achieve their full potential, by removing barriers to success.
Removing barriers to learning
‘Keys’ to help Unlock Potential
Our highly targeted therapies help to raise functioning, removing barriers that can prevent children from achieving their full potential. Many clients report thrilling results as their children begin to thrive.
Our Qualifications
It is important when choosing help for your child to ensure excellent qualifications.
Our practitioners have a wide variety of expertise and are registered with official bodies including: mBANT, CNHC, DipION, Walsh Nutrient Therapist; Institute of Neurophysiological Psychology and the British Psychological Association.
A GMC licensed Consultant Paediatrician who is also a qualified Endocrinologist and Functional Medicine Doctor and a licensed Occupational Therapist act as Advisors and Consultants.
We understand that no two children are alike.
There is a saying “if all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail.”
This is why we offer many different, holistic therapies under one roof. Every programme we develop to help a child will be as unique as they are.
We do not merely aim to suppress symptoms or find ways to compensate but instead target underlying root causes to achieve results.
We start by asking ‘why’ a child is finding certain things difficult. We carry out in-depth assessments to pinpoint contributing imbalances, then specialise in providing the brain/body with the stimulation required to raise health.
If you or your child has been receiving treatment, do not stop or suspend their treatment program without consulting their doctor. Our approach is intended to complement any medical treatment, rather than replace it.
Medical Advisor
Our Key Therapies optimise health and wellbeing
From those underperforming, relative to their intelligence, to those who may have been given a diagnosis such as dyslexia, to others suffering from anxiety or depression. In restoring optimum health and functioning, we help unlock children’s full potential.
We Support those with:
Academic Difficulties
• Dyslexia
• Poor reading
• Poor writing
• Poor working memory
• Poor mathematics
• Slow processing
• Underachievement (relative to ability).
Coordination Difficulties
• Clumsy
• Poor balance
• Poor coordination
• Dyspraxia
Behavioural Difficulties
• Hyperactivity
• Temper tantrums
• Anger
• Aggression
• Social difficulties
• Bedwetting
Emotional Difficulties
• Anxiety
• Mood swings
• Low self-esteem
• Dislike of change
• Poor sleep
• Over-sensitivity
• Depression
Attention Difficulties
• Easily distracted
• Poor concentration
• Hypersensitive hearing
Speech and Language Difficulties
• Hesitant speech
• Pronunciation difficulty
• Auditory processing difficulties
It is possible to retrain the brain, retune the senses and even rebalance the biochemistry, to help your child truly realise their full potential.

Virgin Radio's Chris Evans hails The Key Clinic's work with his son:
"A miracle! It's massive. It should be nationwide! It should be worldwide! - and I'm sure it will be."
An Introduction
Sarah Warley, The Key Clinic Founder
“During lockdown, many parents became aware, for the first time, just how much of a struggle schoolwork could be for their child and how much anxiety they carry.
More and more children are receiving diagnoses, such as dyslexia or ADHD and others are inexplicably behind in their academic results, despite it being obvious that they are perfectly intelligent.
Children often require ongoing learning support and extra tuition. It is important, however, to also find out why they are finding things difficult in the first place.
Similarly, we are in the middle of a mental healthcare crisis, with young people, in particular, bearing the brunt. Parents are increasingly seeking drug-free more holistic approaches to help support those with depression, mood swings, ADHD or anxiety, rather than the knee-jerk reaction to reach for medications.
By addressing the root causes of difficulties, these exciting new approaches to unlocking potential will allow us to redefine our own futures, academically, mentally and physically."
Unlock the potential in
your child today.
The Key Clinic sees a range of children with varying concerns. Some are doing well, but would like to optimise their performance, so that achieving success is made easier for them.
Others may have learning difficulties, behavioural or emotional problems. They may already be receiving learning support at school or require extra tuition for difficulties such as poor concentration, reading, writing, spelling, or because exam performance is poor. They may be having meltdowns, appear anxious, depressed or have poor self-confidence. Some of our clients have been previously diagnosed with dyslexia, dyspraxia, poor working memory, speech and language difficulties, ADHD, ASD and more. Others come without any diagnosis, because their parents or teachers feel they may be underperforming relative to their intelligence.
We also see adults for a range of concerns from anxiety, depression, post-natal depression, gut health concerns and menopause.
We help clients from 2.5 years of age through to adulthood and frequently treat many members of the same family.
Different therapies can be started from different ages and not all therapies are appropriate for all age groups.
Our BrightBeatz Auditory Therapy can be carried out for children from 2.5 years of age upwards, which can be very helpful if they have speech and language difficulties/delays, hypersensitivity to sounds and/or demonstrate autistic traits. From 5 years upwards, we can carry out a hearing test and then be able to fully customise any auditory therapy they receive (unless they have significant difficulties with concentration which would make this difficult to conduct accurately).
We can assess for and address retained reflexes from 6/7 years of age upwards.
The Biomedical team are able to help from 2.5 years of age upwards.
Absolutely. Our Key Health Programmes for adults optimise mental and physical health, working across a wide range of concerns, from anxiety, depression, and exhaustion/burnout to menopause, and other chronic health concerns. We believe real healthcare should be proactive and precisely targeted to address the root causes of symptoms.
The Initial Screening Questionnaire £175
This will then be analysed by the team, which will allow us to triage as to which assessments are required.
Assessments vary in price from £225 to £500 (+ any lab testing, if required)
From this, we will be able to recommend only therapies which are likely to be game-changers for your child.
Our therapies range in price from £1250 to £3950 and may be recommended either alone or in combination.
Please call us on 01635 761565 to book an appointment. -
Having worked with one family member, people frequently ask us to work with additional family members as they are able to see and appreciate the improvements gained and want to make life easier for others too. We often end up working with siblings and parents as well.
We have an excellent psychiatrist we refer to for ADHD diagnoses, if required. The Key Clinic’s emphasis, however, is addressing the underlying contributing factors of the presenting symptoms to be able to help improve functioning. A diagnosis can be beneficial in obtaining extra time and support in school and/or medication if required.
There is no obligation to follow any of the recommended therapies. The assessment, the detailed discussion afterwards and the written report are all of great value in understanding what may be going on and what to do next.
We will ask for a range of information within the Screening Questionnaire/Consultation in order to gain a full developmental history of your child (from pregnancy and birth history through to developmental milestones, any illnesses and nutritional history).
We will also ask for permission to be able to contact your GP, if necessary.
Before any consultation, we will ask you to send through any previous reports that you may have e.g. from an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, previous Nutritional and Behavioural Ophthalmologist reports. However, don’t worry if you do not have any of these as it is possible for us to assess and provide therapy in the absence of any other reports.
Ideally, we like to work closely with SENCo departments within schools, but it is up to you if you would like to share information regarding your child’s journey with The Key Clinic.
All our assessments and programmes are available remotely. The only current exception is the Audiogram (hearing test), but you can still carry out a course of BrightBeatz Auditory integration training without this.
We do require your child’s GP details to be able to enroll on one of our programmes, for safeguarding purposes. We may request any medical or educational reports you may have. We would be happy to discuss our assessment findings and the programmes we are recommending for your child with your doctor, teacher, psychologist, or any other specialist, with your written permission. In our experience, the best results are always achieved by a coordinated team approach.
It is always recommended that clients seek medical advice from their doctor regarding the cessation of any medication or other medically prescribed therapy - we would never recommend this without medical oversight.
If there is a history of Schizophrenia, BrightBeatz will not be permitted. Appointments at The Key Clinic are kept strictly confidential.
The principle behind all of our programmes is getting to the root cause of symptoms, to create lasting change. The brain’s ability to rewire itself is present throughout our lives and this is known as ‘neuroplasticity’. We achieve these neuroplastic changes through movements and via the hearing (cerebellar vestibular system), to encourage the brain to rewire to overcome former difficulties.
Our Biomedical work helps to rebalance the microbiome and tackle the underlying biochemical imbalances which may be contributing to emotional and behavioural problems such as hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression. We achieve this by using targeted ‘nutrient therapy’ supplementation and dietary/lifestyle changes.
The idea of neuroplasticity is a relatively new concept, but is now firmly established as a cornerstone of neuroscientist’s understanding of how the brain works. We have a good track record of helping improve children’s functioning. We can discuss with you individual success rates based on your child's presenting symptoms. Most importantly, our growth has been driven purely by word of mouth from our satisfied clients. Please refer to the testimonials section of our website for a small selection.
There is also a significant body of research, documented over the past 30 years, showing the evidence of improvement through INPP devised Neurodevelopmental exercise (which we use) and Auditory Integration Therapy. Please refer to the research section on our website.
Similarly, there is a wealth of research and database analysis at The Walsh Institute which indicates that the Walsh Nutrient Therapy protocols can obtain good reductions in symptoms.
It is important, however, to point out that we typically get far less/slower progress with individuals who have underlying genetic abnormalities or learning disabilities rather than learning difficulties and that every individual responds differently to therapies.
As with any form of therapy or medical intervention, we cannot guarantee specific results, as every individual is different. We often see gains in educational, cognitive, emotional, behavioural or social performance as well as general physical wellbeing. Improvements are sometimes immediate, but these may become more evident over a period of weeks and months. Occasionally improvements may take 6-12 months.
It is important that the children coming to us are happy, at ease and comfortable during the assessments. This is in order to obtain meaningful results and to ensure they are more likely to come back again, for repeat visits. Many of them may be lacking in confidence or just fed up with being assessed and ‘treated’. We always go to great lengths to ensure that firstly, they do not feel there is a ‘problem’ with them. They are just visiting us, like many others, to see if we can help make things easier for them. We do not discuss any areas of concern in front of them. We have set up the clinic so that it does not look like a clinic, more a comfortable apartment with fun toys and a calm, stress-free environment. We also allow for short breaks during the assessment if required. If you are concerned that your child will struggle, please discuss this with one of our clinicians and we can make the necessary arrangements.
Yes, you will get a full written report of the assessment results, with clear explanations of the findings together with our recommendations for any programmes. This is important, should you wish to share the findings with your partner, teachers or other healthcare professionals. A verbal report reading is also included, either in person at the clinic, or by phone (which can conference in more than one person, if required) with one of our clinicians. This is a good opportunity to ask any questions.
Regular audiograms simply measure hearing loss, but our more advanced audiograms assess how a person hears, potentially revealing hidden difficulties which may impact speech, learning and behaviour. The child is given specialised headphones to wear and simply has to respond with a ‘yes’ when he/she hears a sound. This part of the test is looking for potential distortions in hearing as well as any hypersensitivity. We then assess laterality using a bone conduction device, where the child identifies where they are feeling pure tone sounds. From this, we will be able to ascertain if any difficulties exist which may be hampering performance and devise a customised hearing programme to help rebalance and re-educate the ears.
A NeuroMature Assessment involves standardised neurological tests (used by doctors) to assess gross and fine muscle coordination, balance, patterns of motor development, the presence of aberrant reflexes, laterality, oculo-motor functioning and visual perceptual ability. Should the results reveal any immaturities in development (i.e. the persistence of primitive reflexes beyond the normal age of inhibition and/or the absence of postural reflexes) we will recommend an exercise programme to help mature the system.
Two half-hour listening sessions per day with a minimum three-hour interval between sessions over 10 days, either consecutively or two five-day weeks within a 12 day period. (Please refer to the BrightBeatz section under our ‘Key Therapies’ tab).
A personal programme of NeuroMature reflex inhibition exercises is prepared for the client to carry out either at home or in clinic:
The home exercise programme is a prescribed programme of exercises to be completed at home taking 20-30 minutes a day over a 6-9 month period.
The NeuroMature Fast-Track programme involves one or two 30-minute exercise sessions per day over several weeks, with us doing the ‘heavy lifting’ for you. Each session is conducted on a 1:1 basis with a qualified clinician and intermittent assessments will be completed throughout.
(Please refer to NeuroMature Therapy on our website).
Yes. All our programmes are non-invasive. There may occur a few temporary side effects, such as tiredness, as the body and brain begin to change. All our treatment programmes are also directly supervised by a GMC registered Medical Doctor.
Yes. We accurately record the results of the standard clinical tests, both before and after treatment, to assess progress and to tailor programmes accordingly. We report any changes that have been identified during the course of a programme.
Yes. This is a very important part of our practice, so that we can continually measure and improve what we do. We will follow up with clients after treatment ends, to assess progress. We continually monitor progress and reassess scores throughout our programmes.
We would not want to continue if your child becomes ill, so we would offer a break until he or she is feeling better. In the case of BrightBeatz auditory therapy, we continue from where we left off or start again, depending on the time-lapse.
With BrightBeatz, improvements typically continue to occur in the weeks or months following the treatment. For some, this change is enough, but other clients may choose to repeat the programme with the aim of achieving further gains. We usually recommend waiting at least 3 months before choosing to begin a second course (follow-up BrightBeatz courses are charged at a reduced rate). In addition, the hearing profile may change again due to illness/ear infections and/or damage, such as exposure to loud sounds. In this case, a follow-up course may also be recommended.
NeuroMature programmes do not need to be repeated as the gains are generally maintained for life. Improvements can be immediate, in some cases continuing in subsequent weeks and months, and occasionally not starting until 6-12 months following the programme. In general, one programme is sufficient to fully mature the central nervous system (i.e. to inhibit retained primitive reflexes and encourage the development of postural reflexes).
For some individuals, such as those with severe dyspraxia, progress may be slower and a second programme may be required to complete the work.
Unfortunately due to client confidentiality, we are unable to provide contact details for past clients. You can find, however, written testimonials on our website.
The London clinic is open from 9.00am-7.00pm.
The Berkshire clinic is open between 9.00am-5.30pm.
The Edinburgh is open on Wednesdays.
The West Sussex clinic is open on Thursdays and Fridays.
Our Client Care team is on duty Monday to Friday to answer any calls or queries you may have.
Our Technical team on duty to troubleshoot any technical problems between 7.00am-8.00pm, 7 days a week.
We carry appropriate Professional and Public Liability Insurance.
All of our staff receive Enhanced Disclosure Barring Service checks.
To allow us to make best use of our consultation time together, we ask that you complete a comprehensive health questionnaire prior to the appointment.
Your initial appointment usually lasts for 1 hour for children and 1.5 hours for adults. It will involve a detailed discussion of the client's health history, diet, and lifestyle with the aim of understanding symptoms, potential triggers, goals for treatment, and review of any prior diagnostic testing and/or therapies.
You will then be asked to carry out certain, specific lab tests, to pinpoint, with accuracy, the imbalances which are causing symptoms. Once the results are back, you will receive an appointment to discuss the findings with your practitioner.
Currently, it is not, but this is an area we are currently looking to potentially address.