Walsh Nutrient Therapy
The Walsh Institute in the US have carried out ground-breaking research over the past 30 years, analysing differences in biochemistry in those with mental health problems to identify patterns. As a result, they have accrued the largest biochemical database on mental health anywhere in the world.
Is a global first. Based on the results of an objective hearing test, it delivers AIT specifically tailored to your particular hearing profile, directly targeting individual hearing distortions causing difficulties, while encouraging balanced laterality.
Biochemical Individuality
The unique nutritional needs each person has, based on their genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposure to various stresses.
Proactive Medicine
At The Key Clinic, we start with intelligent health decoding - using biochemical markers to analyse effects of lifestyle - stress, sleep, nutrition, exercise, genetics on one’s well being.
The study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.
Depression In Women
High-Copper Depression Data Base Findings Solved by Epigenetic Science!
Pyrrole Disorder
A condition caused by stress that depletes the body of certain vitamins and minerals before they are able to be absorbed. In short, there are three main nutrients that are not properly absorbed in the pyroluric sufferer: vitamin B6. magnesium. zinc.
A Brighter Approach To Women's Health
Women’s health is sadly an area of ongoing gender discrimination. The majority of medicines being prescribed, treatment protocols being recommended and even health tips being given are based on testing outcomes for men.
The Key Clinic Approach to Building Physical Health Resilience
Instead of ‘fire-fighting’ symptoms when they become acute with drugs, we believe it is smarter to try to identify and treat the underlying causes that led to the symptoms in the first place.
A Bright Approach To Mental Health
Mental health problems are not ‘all in the mind’ but tend to originate in the body.