Unlocking Adult's Potential

Our interventions and therapies are not only for children! We work with many parents, older siblings and relatives too. So please do not think you are too old for us to be able to help you.

The ultimate, transformational wellness journey, giving you the keys to your mental and physical health destiny. Precision-led, personalised healthcare, targeting the underlying imbalances which are dragging you down, so you can feel like your best self, every day.

The Key Clinic’s evidence-based approach takes the guesswork out of mental health and wellbeing.

Everybody has unique health requirements, so general advice and health tips are not effective. We will provide you with a complete understanding of your unique mental and physical health disposition.

Key membership transforms your health through targeted interventions and support to get you back to feeling like your best self and keeping you that way.

We have not evolved to cope with the way the modern world works.

The Key Clinic, Unlocking adults potential image

The world has changed, but we have not.

All the things which used to help our ancestors, such as eating too much (in case there was a famine) sitting around (to conserve energy) and continually assessing for risk, now work against us!

  • Changes to our diet

  • More sedentary lifestyles

  • Increased toxic load

  • Breakdown of communities

  • Information overload (causing continual stress)

These factors are contributing to a global mental and physical health crisis.

Scientifically optimising mental and physical wellness to help you thrive

The Key Clinic, Unlocking adults potential image

Our DNA plus our unique life journey have drawn a map for our future health, which we can wilfully choose to ignore or rewrite.

Instead of accepting decreasing health, we can choose to use the latest data available to understand and rewrite our future health.

Key Health’s proactive, evidence-based approach takes the guesswork out of wellbeing. 

We want to help you truly thrive so that you feel on top of your game and able to ‘fire on all cylinders’.

Let’s make reactive ‘sickness care’ and burnout a thing of the past by getting on the front foot of our own health narrative.

We provide transformational, proactive healthcare that raises mental and physical health wellbeing.

If you has been receiving treatment, do not stop or suspend their treatment program without consulting their doctor.  Our approach is intended to complement any medical treatment, rather than replace it.

The Key Clinic, Unlocking adults potential image

We Practise Intelligent Health Decoding


Generic health advice rarely works. Each individual is unique biologically and getting to understand the personal, specific drivers of your mental and physical health is a critical first step.

Understanding the dynamics of your mental and physical health requires 360-degree individual analysis and a precision-led approach.

✓ Metabolic

✓ Hormonal

✓ Biochemistry

✓ Digestion/Diet

✓ Immune status

✓ Lifestyle/Environment

✓ Auditory functioning

The Key Clinic, Unlocking adults potential image

"One of my patients recommended The Key Clinic to me. I was a trainee GP, wracked with nerves and anxiety, struggling to pass the written exam. I was given one more chance to sit the exam and turned to The Key Clinic at my lowest ebb.

I was immediately impressed and put at ease by the team's professionalism and kindness. Their interventions were game-changers. I passed my exams with flying colours and, more importantly, discovered a quiet confidence and calmness I did not have before.

I will always be eternally grateful to The Key clinic and can not recommend them enough."

Dr Fariah Khan March 2020

We help support individuals with:

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Burnout

  • Depression

  • Postnatal depression

  • Peri-menopause/Menopause
    (including HRT suggestions)

  • Poor focus/hyperactivity

  • Poor sleep

  • Anger management

  • Poor digestion/gut health

  • Weight management

  • Diabetes

  • Low immunity

If you would like a more enlightened approach to supporting good health, please click here or call our friendly Client Care team.

An Holistic Approach to Optimising Health and Wellbeing

Liz Earle, MBE 2022

"The work at The Key Clinic is so life-changing for so many. They get amazing results, I wish more people were aware of this!"


  • We will be gathering data across many functional aspects of your health, from an extensive questionnaire, to an in depth consultation and via specific laboratory tests to gain a 360 understanding of your mental and physical health.

    To allow us to make the best use of our consultation time together, we ask that you complete a comprehensive health questionnaire prior to the appointment.

    ✓ Cardiovascular✓ Metabolic✓ Hormonal✓ Biochemistry✓ Digestion/Diet✓ Immune status✓ Lifestyle/Environment✓ Auditory functioning

    We will then recommend specific lab tests. Once we have all the lab results back, we will analyse the results and will provide you with a comprehensive report, explaining your health, and pinpointing the underlying causes of symptoms so that you gain, perhaps for the first time, a complete picture.

    We will go through this with you in a consultation.

    The entire process takes 5 hours of a practitioner’s time, 1 hour of a supervising doctor’s time, and 2 hours of Admin time. All are required to make things accurate and enlightening for you.

  • Once you have completed the health decoding process, and have started a programme, the transformation begins. The first step is the 'kick-off' consultation where we will explain to you your particular health predispositions and imbalances.

    Most importantly, we will also outline a six-month or twelve-month (decided by you) transformation plan to show you how we aim to get you feeling fantastic once again.

    Your pathway from here will be broken into monthly cycles, with goals set and reviewed every 4 weeks at your follow-up consultations.

    We will also check in with you fortnightly by phone over the first 3 months, to give you the support you need to make lasting habit changes.

    Once we have arrived at the results we need, your consultations will then be every 3 months, to make sure you are staying on track and to deal with any new issues which may have arisen.

    It is the ultimate health journey, proactively keeping you well, rather than only kicking in once you are sick.

  • We can help support individuals with depression. However, If you have been receiving treatment, do not stop or suspend their treatment program without consulting their doctor.  Our approach is intended to complement any medical treatment, rather than replace it.

  • There exist many biological underlying causes of anxiety. Some are driven by biochemical imbalances Others are caused by hypersensitive hearing and/or retained 'primitive reflexes', such as the Moro reflex. We will ascertain the likely contributing cause of your anxiety and then recommend the most effective therapeutic approach for you. If you have been receiving treatment, do not stop or suspend their treatment program without consulting their doctor.  Our approach is intended to complement any medical treatment, rather than replace it.

  • During the Biomedical Assessment, the practitioner will generally suggest between 1 and 4 tests - but it depends on symptoms and severity.

    Sometimes more are required to get to the root cause of long-term chronic health conditions. The practitioner will be mindful of any financial restraints, and prioritise accordingly.

    The Key Clinic does not profit in any way from any of the lab tests being recommended or the supplements being prescribed).

  • The supplements are an additional cost but we have negotiated trade discounts with suppliers which we pass directly on to you. The supplements vary in cost from £20 to £150 depending on the supplement and requirements. As a guideline, you can expect to pay initially £200 and then approximately £50 per month.

  • This depends on digestive capacity, blood type and compliance. We will assess at the 10-week mark if we are starting to see a shift, and if not may consider re-testing to work out if there is a problem with absorption which is compromising progress. Some imbalances take longer to shift, and you should not be disappointed if you don't see immediate results - re-stabilising nutrient levels takes time, particularly when genetic factors are at play. Remember, what we are aiming for is long-term, sustainable change, rather than short-term relief from symptoms.

  • This depends on the test findings, gut capacity and absorption as well as a variety of lifestyle factors. As a guide, methylation imbalances can take 4-6 months, Walsh nutrient imbalances can take 10-12 weeks, pyrolles can take 10-12 weeks. Following the intensive stage of nutrient therapy, a 'maintenance dose' will be suggested, to ensure optimum levels reached throughout the programme are sustained. However, response time varies from person to person, depending on a number of factors.

  • Once we have the results, an analysis of these will be written for you by your Practitioner into a test findings report. You will then have a consultation to go through the findings. These results will be of great value to you, even if you decide not to go ahead with a health programme for the time being.

    Typically, however, our clients want to tackle the issues they have by starting straight away. We also frequently see clients who have tried many other approaches, without success.

    Our health programmes include a personalised plan based on genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and to create lasting change we will need to monitor, revise supplement recommendations and work through the imbalances identified systematically. We are here to help you embed positive habits using functional medicine and nutrition, Walsh Nutrient Therapy, exercise and relaxation, to encourage long-term physical and mental wellbeing.

    We want to ensure you get the results you are looking for, so to ensure compliance, continued motivation, and success we have found the programme structure to be vital to progress.

  • We are not specialised in treating Anorexia and recommend you see an expert in that field.

    However, we may be able to help with some of the symptoms surrounding eating disorders, such as anxiety, but we require that the individual have been free from acute symptoms for a specified period before seeing us (please see Ts and Cs)

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to work with Bi-Polar patients.

  • Yes we specialise in addressing the biochemical imbalances commonly seen in those with ADHD. Walsh Nutrient Therapy is a great way to encourage a health balance and support those with ADHD.

    If you or your child has been receiving treatment, do not stop or suspend their treatment program without consulting their doctor.  Our approach is intended to complement any medical treatment, rather than replace it.

  • This depends on what tests you have had done - turnaround time for the laboratories that we work with varies. As a rough guide, urine tests and many of the blood tests take two weeks, other tests (such as stool tests and methylation analysis) can take up to four weeks. Once the results have been received your practitioner will take time to review these and write a results report.

    You will be notified when this has been uploaded to your portal and is ready for you to view.

  • You will need to pay the labs for the recommended test kits and the admin team will send you all the relevant information you need. You will also have a testing support call with your practitioner to further guide you through this process. You will be given details of an independent phlebotomist clinic near you or a mobile phlebotomist who can come to your home to administer the blood draw. You will need to book and pay for this draw directly with the phlebotomist. You may also be given tests (such as stool or urine) to carry out at home. You will need to return these tests in the packaging provided once tests have been carried out.

  • We cannot offer any guarantees that your programme at The Key Clinic will be covered - it depends on your insurer.

  • No, we use several different independent Laboratories in the UK, USA and in Europe for our functional testing, and will analyse the results and provide you with a detailed results report of the findings and their significance.

Unlock the potential in your life today.

Otherwise It’s easy to get in touch and talk with us here.
Our team are ready to help you feel your best self.

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Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be Successful.