
Individual results can vary, but here’s what our clients say

  • Mother of a 10-year-old boy

    March 2025

    Concerns: ASD/ADHD and processing issues, Severe poor concentration/focus, OCD traits, tiredness, digestive issues and hyperactivity. 

    Programme: BioTransform

    We are really glad that we engaged with The Key Clinic and specifically Josie in Bionutrition. In just a matter of weeks, we saw a huge change in our son following the removal of certain food groups and environmental elements, having identified how they were contributing to his 

    learning difficulties and ASD. Working closely with Josie, our son has completed a program of supplements which has significantly boosted his overall health, development and learning progression, but most incredibly, he is now able to process much more clearly on a day-to-day basis. Our son now has an ongoing maintenance program and a clear dietary plan which enables him to function, process and live life in a manner that gives him far greater satisfaction and joy, enabling him to socialise and develop relationships, achieve, grow and understand the world around him far better. We are extremely grateful for the advice, support and guidance provided by Josie and The Key Clinic, and we are so pleased that we took the step to look into things further for our son, and to work with such a proactive, realistic and thorough team. “

  • Parents of Seth, an 8 year old boy

    February 2025

    Concerns: Poor concentration; some hyperactivity, struggling to learn

    “Seth was given the same feedback at every parent's evening 'he's easily distracted and distracting', 'he struggles to concentrate!' I didn't know what to do to support him. Going through a programme has helped him with listening and concentration - His year 3 parents' evening was solely about his work - no feedback about his behaviour."

    Throughout his programme mum has also reported that he's fidgeting less and concentrating better; behaviour has improved; vocabulary is good; he's able to work independently without support (mum used to have to sit next to him); pressing less hard when he writes; used to hate English now he finds it really interesting; used to re-read lines now he doesn't need to; used to skip lines when reading but this doesn't happen anymore; feels he can do the monkey bars better and control the ball better in football. 

  • Mother of a 17 -year-old girl

    January 2025

    Concerns: Autistic; Hypersensitive hearing; Anxiety; Difficulties with social interactions, speech and motor coordination

    "The Key Clinic has been a haven for our family. The team is professional, dedicated, generous and rigorous with their standards. The children always come first and each practitioner has been wholeheartedly committed to their progress. We have seen some amazing strides in development, calm and cognition. Thank you so much"

  • Mother of a 12-year-old girl

    November 2024

    Concern: Coordination, Confidence, Anxiety, Reading and Sensory Sensitivity

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "My 12-year-old child is unrecognisable. It's as if everything in her life just became easier for her. She is more coordinated and therefore excelling in sport, her confidence has increased, and her anxiety has decreased. She used to struggle with glare from lights and car sickness, which has all stopped. Her reading and writing have had a small jump, but as she was starting from a place where this was impossible for her to do at all, it means I'm thrilled with the jump! Suddenly, she is more able to be independent as she can work out slowly what things say. Jessie has been utterly fantastic and there for us whenever we needed her. She is so knowledgeable and keen to help. Thank you for everything you have done for us."

  • Oliver (13 years old)

    October 2024

    Concern: Hypersensitivity, Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform, NeuroMature

    "Ollie was oversensitive to sound, and now he's perfectly fine. Since the neuro exercises, he's calmer, more confident, and like a different child. We have also seen a remarkable change with the biomedical supplements. Really pleased."

  • Amy (11 years old)

    October 2024

    Concern: Anxiety, Dyslexia, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "Amy has transitioned to high school with a greater degree of resilience and confidence than we could have ever hoped for, which we attribute to her work with The Key Clinic. We are leaving with some work in progress but with strong indicators for our future direction. The Key Clinic has been an eye-opener and an invaluable source of support and information. We have discovered and uncovered, are better equipped, and are extremely hopeful for the future."

  • Grace (12 years old)

    October 2024

    Concern: Confidence, Emotional Awareness

    "Grace is now a confident self-advocate and emotionally aware and articulate. She speaks up, challenges, and defends herself, becoming increasingly confident among her peers. Grace has undergone a transformation! She has flourished since the beginning, growing in confidence, ability, and resilience. Something has clicked—thank you :-)"

  • Mother of a 12-year-old boy

    October 2024

    Concern: Anger, Hyperactivity, Anxiety, and Emotional dysregulation

    Programme: BioTransform

    "Through the Key Clinic’s biomedical route, our son’s life has improved, and he is more stable, which in turn helps us all as a family. Through testing, we have discovered and been able to treat issues such as specific parasites and pyrrole disorder, which we had no idea of. I had been dabbling with numerous supplements before coming to the Key Clinic, never really knowing what was working and, at times, making things worse. Whilst there is still room for further gains for our complex son, we are in a much better place. Cynthia always shows a good understanding of our son, is professional, knowledgeable, kind, and always helpful. Thank you!"

    Additional Note: "The severe ratings of hyperactivity, anger, obsessional behaviour, and meltdowns are now mild."

  • Mother of a 12-year-old boy

    September 2024

    Concern: Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, and Anxiety

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "We feel he has benefitted emotionally and physically. In addition, his ophthalmologist has proven that his processing speed has increased. Hugely grateful, thank you."

  • Adult woman

    September 2024

    Concern: Concentration, Energy, and Mood

    Programme: BioTransform

    "I felt quite hesitant at first when beginning the two pathways with The Key Clinic as I was unsure of what positive changes it could make to my life. I had to make a few changes to my lifestyle with my diet, implementing taking the prescription vitamins into my routine. Aga helped to make suggestions that could make these a lot easier to implement into my everyday life. In order to get the best results from the biomedical pathway, I really had to trust the process and listen to the suggestions that were made by Aga to aspects of my diet to help optimise the outcome. Alongside this, Aga taught us about the impacts of certain vitamin deficiencies and how that can have an impact on different aspects of my life, such as concentration, energy, and mood levels. As well as this, I also learnt how foods can influence and affect these aspects."

    "All the changes made to my lifestyle were positive and have helped to improve my everyday life. It is definitely a commitment that you have to make for yourself, but I truly feel like a different person from the beginning of the biomedical treatment to the current day. I would highly recommend Aga Lemieszewska and The Key Clinic as it has made huge improvements to my life. I am really grateful for all of Aga's help, support, and guidance."

  • Mother of a 12-year-old boy

    September 2024

    Concern: Emotional Dysregulation and Gaming Habits

    Programme: NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "Our son had a tendency to flare up very quickly when upset by things, often completely over-reacting and then finding it hard to calm down. In addition, he was showing quite an addictive nature when playing video games, which was even more obvious when he got his first phone. I had heard of retained reflexes before through a friend and had already had our son assessed elsewhere, but that first place had a very inflexible, drawn-out programme that would have been very limiting for my son and been obvious to people around him. So, I was delighted to find The Key Clinic, who had a much more accessible programme to follow."

    "After the assessments, I was stunned to discover the range of nutritional deficiencies that our son had, as he had always eaten a well-balanced diet, and felt very guilty that I hadn't sought help earlier! But it was immensely reassuring to discover that it was all fixable, and he wouldn't be on supplements for the rest of his life. Having now completed the biomedical programme, it was great to see the improved test results, which reflected the changes that we've seen in our son. While he still enjoys gaming, he happily steps away when it's time to come off and often self-regulates, stopping before he's asked! And we've also seen a massive improvement in his emotional responses, and we rarely experience the extreme, angry emotional outbursts (beyond the usual teen moments!)."

    "We particularly enjoyed working with Aga as on top of being lovely and helpful and clearly very good at her job, she was also very understanding and flexible, making changes to our son's prescriptions based on his preferences, which made the whole experience much easier all round! We're now halfway through the ND programme and are hoping for similarly positive results too!"

  • 22-year-old male

    August 2024

    Concern: Anxiety, Anger, Sleep, Memory and Physical Wellbeing

    Programme: BioTransform

    "It’s been amazing working with you (Aga) and The Key Clinic has made it all very easy. I wasn’t the biggest fan of taking the supplements but I understood why I needed all of them and the programme has really helped me. I needed a big change in my life as I was heading in the wrong direction. Now everything’s much clearer and my symptoms such as anxiety, anger, memory, poor sleep, digestion, and acne have really improved or are no longer an issue. I’ve learned to eat better too and I move much more now, which is changing the way I look and feel for the better. I have learned so much about how my body works and what it needs, this will help me for the rest of my life - thank you so much Aga."

  • Mother of a 13-year-old boy

    August 2024

    Concern: Hypersensitivity and Concentration

    Programme: BrightBeatz

    "Since completing the auditory therapy, the difference in my 13-year-old son has been incredible. Shortly after finishing the 10-day course, he sat his Common Entrance exams and came out with an A* (he was predicted to fail). He was able to focus and not be distracted in exams and is overall less affected by sound and is happier."

    Advice to Other Parents: "Brace yourself for their behaviour declining halfway through, but this is only temporary and will be followed by an extraordinary improvement. You won't regret it."

  • Mother of a 19-year-old son

    July 2024

    Concern: Anxiety, Gaming Habits, ADHD, Social Engagement

    Programme: BioTransform

    "Things are going well for my 19-year-old son; he is doing so much better. He has got a part-time job for the summer, which he is enjoying, he is getting up himself and getting ready, etc. He is regularly making meals for the family twice a week, he’s having weekly PT sessions at the gym, and he is joining in much more with family activities too."

    "I feel so very grateful that he has made this progress. It has made life much better for our family. Thank you for all your help and advice."

  • Mother of James

    July 2024

    Concern: ASD, ADHD, emotional regulation

    Programme: NeuroMature, BioTransform, BrightBeatz

    "Time flies! James has been on a gluten-free diet alongside a dairy-free diet for over 6 weeks. We noticed the difference. The neurodevelopmental exercises also work well. In his mid-April review, his Moro reflex had been integrated. Even before starting the gluten-free diet, we found him slightly easier going. However, the positive changes are even more noticeable recently."

    "James thinks dairy-free doesn't help, but he believes both the ND exercises and gluten-free do. He said, 'my tummy is less painful and my head is not foggy.' I didn't know he had tummy pain as he never complained—I suppose he thought it was part of his life until he had the comparison. It amazed me that he used the word 'foggy.' When I looked it up, 'foggy' is precisely the word used to describe neuro effects from gluten in autism/ADHD."

    "James is generally a happier boy. He still gets grumpy, but it takes less time for him to come around. Four weeks after going gluten-free, on 27th April, he asked me who Andrea Bocelli is, and even did some maths homework with my support, completing more work in one night than I’d ever expect. Vanessa checked his reflexes last week; Moro reflexes are definitely suppressed, and his horizontal gaze is nearly normal. We are so pleased!"

    "Two months after writing this, we didn’t give him milk until last week. He only had organic semi-skimmed milk once a day for 3 days, and after some gluten-free snacks during outings, he was noticeably grumpy and more 'autistic' in behaviour. So, we returned to strict gluten- and dairy-free.""I feel so very grateful that he has made this progress. It has made life much better for our family. Thank you for all your help and advice."

  • Mother of a Teenage Son

    June 2024

    Concern: ADHD, concentration and Eczema

    Programme: BioTransform

    "I contacted The Key Clinic looking for a non-medical way to manage my son’s ADHD and eczema, after hearing about Chris Evans’ positive experience with his son using The Key Clinic methods. Persuading a teenager to commit to the programme was tough, but the Key Clinic practitioner was very patient. The process has been fascinating and so informative. It has shown me just how powerful food and supplements can be, with a huge impact on ADHD symptoms, such as concentration, and eczema, which is almost gone now. Thank you so much for your guidance."

  • Family of a young son

    June 2024

    Concern: Learning Difficulties, ADHD, Dyslexia, Speech and Language, repetitive behaviours

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Our son has global learning difficulties. Every small positive change is a win, and there have been many small changes. We did not expect miracles, but we've been delighted by the improvements we've experienced in physical coordination and mental agility."

  • Father of Daughter 'G' (10-years-old)

    June 2024

    Concern: Anxiety, Confidence, Hypermobility, Processing difficulties

    Programme: Neuromature, BrightBeatz

    "We heard about The Key Clinic on the radio. The interview stopped us in our tracks—everything Sarah said was describing our daughter. After putting G through the Neurodevelopmental and the BrightBeatz programme, we have a much happier and more confident child! Her reading is better, handwriting has improved along with balance and coordination. The change in her confidence and general happiness is amazing, and bedtime is no longer a nightmare. We can't recommend The Key Clinic enough. The team have changed G's life for the better and in turn ours! Forever grateful."

    Additional Note: [During the review] her father said, "I think she's found her personality. She's a different person." He teared up! She loves school now (and has asked to go back to school after her last few reviews!), and loves reading. She used to shrink away from being the centre of attention, but now she's finding her confidence and will dance around trying to entertain others; teachers are saying the same thing. Emotionally more mature; opting to learn the ukulele and drums and taking her piano exam in November—things we wouldn’t have considered before her programme. Her coordination has significantly improved, and she received a piano trophy for excellent effort and won 'most improved' in jujitsu. Friendships and bedtime have improved by 100%."

    Tip for Parents: "Make sure you put the time into the exercises—the more you put in, the more you'll get out."

  • Mother of Dylan (8-year-old boy)

    June 2024

    Concern: Dyslexia, reading, writing, spelling

    Programme: Neuromature

    "It has been so rewarding to see the improvements in Dylan's academic performance and overall behaviour. He engaged in the programme from the start, and the commitment and perseverance he's shown will benefit him in the future. The Key Clinic have been brilliant—professional, empathetic, caring, and incredibly accommodating. Thank you!"

    Tip for Parents: "Persevere. Very time-consuming, but worth it."

  • Family of daughter (15-years-old)

    June 2024

    Concern: Emotional Regulation, Anxiety, and Concentration

    Programme: Neuromature

    "Thank you for all your help along the way. We have seen an improvement in our daughter’s self-regulation over the last 6 months."

  • Mother of a 12-year-old boy

    June 2024

    Concern: Concentration, Maths, Anxiety, Organisation

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "I have found all aspects and interactions with The Key Clinic incredibly helpful, empathetic, and professional, always having time to answer mine or my child's questions. The insights, tests, and remedies all work and are delivered through a well-integrated, professional service. If you have found The Key Clinic because you feel no-one else understands what you see in your child, your trust in The Key Clinic will be very well placed."

  • Mother of a Teenage Daughter (14-year-old)

    June 2024

    Concern: Autism, ADHD, Hypersensitivity, Organisation, and Anxiety

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "The staff at The Key Clinic are very good at communicating and explaining things to teenagers. This reduced my daughter's anxiety with the process and ensured she was on board and understanding why she was doing what she was doing. My daughter is more confident and resilient as a result."

  • Mother of Barney (10-year-old boy)

    June 2024

    Concern: Autism, Processing Difficulties, Learning difficulties, Concentration, Speech and Language

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "We cannot recommend The Key Clinic enough. The staff work so hard to really understand your child and their challenges and needs. The detail has really enabled us to identify and establish plans and support Barney, and the immediate changes are tremendous."

  • Family of a son (11-years-old)

    June 2024

    Concern: Concentration, Writing, Coordination, Frustration

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "My son seems more content in himself. He is more likely to persevere when something is tricky and gets frustrated less often. His organisation skills have improved and he is keen to be more self-sufficient. Overall he is just happier in himself!"

    "The Key Clinic has been amazing for my son. I always felt that he was never quite his true self; he was doing ok at school but seemed quite melancholy sometimes. He would get frustrated very easily and would never persevere with tasks that didn't come easily. Since working with The Key Clinic, my son has transformed. He is comfortable in his own skin now, and we have seen improvements in all aspects of his life—academically, socially, and emotionally. It has taken time and required consistent work by my son and us, but it has been totally worth it. We would do it all again. The Key Clinic has not only helped my son but the whole family!"

  • Moll's Mother (12-year-old girl)

    June 2024

    Concern: Reading, Coordination, Bedwetting, Hypersensitivity, Social Engagement, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "During the time Moll has been with Nikki (Senior practitioner at The Key Clinic) and the gang, she has gone from not being able to read to becoming a voracious reader! Her handwork skills are vastly improved, and her ability to join in, understand, and actively participate in sports and ball games has been completely transformed. She has begun to play guitar, has rejoined formal education, and feels confident and happy. Mostly, she no longer feels 'different'—she is part of a school community and loves her life. We are delighted."

    Additional Note: "This is not a quick-fix programme (or wasn’t for us) but it is worthwhile digging in for the long haul. It won’t always be popular, and you may feel like giving up—don’t."

  • Family of a Teenage Son (15-year-old)

    May 2024

    Concern: Dyslexia, Anxiety, Emotional regulation, Outbursts, and Frustration

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "From the boy they started with to now, he is so different. Between the auditory work and biomedical pathway, there has been a huge improvement; it’s been really eye-opening to see how the deficiencies and imbalances have affected his behaviour. We feel well on track with his goals! We have already recommended The Key Clinic to multiple friends who have been going through similar struggles with their teenage boys."

  • Family of Two Daughters

    May 2024

    Concern: Confidence, Social engagement, reading, emotional regulation

    Programme: NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "We turned to The Key Clinic when traditional routes had long wait times, and we needed immediate help for our daughters. The clinic’s thorough assessments and personalised programmes addressed foundational issues like retained reflexes and nutritional deficiencies. The results were remarkable: our eldest became more confident and socially engaged, while our youngest saw significant improvements in her reading and emotional resilience. The Key Clinic didn’t just offer temporary solutions; they provided a path to lasting, life-changing results for our entire family."Read this family's entire transformative journey with us at The Key Clinic here.

  • Mother of a Young Daughter

    May 2024

    Programme: CBT

    "We have very much enjoyed working with Greg. He quickly understood the issues that our child is facing, and we face as her carers, and developed a great relationship with her, showing compassion and humour. Greg explains and discusses CBT principles and processes really well and has been flexible to our needs with the ongoing therapy in terms of balancing face-to-face and online meetings and the timing of the sessions. I would highly recommend Greg."

  • Father of Henry

    April 2024

    Concern: Anxiety, Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "Be patient, persevere, and over time you will see the rewards from the effort you and your child put in. Over a period of a little over 12 months, Henry's anxiety dissipated considerably, and his confidence blossomed. Thank you."

  • Mother of a 12-year-old Son

    April 2024

    Concern: Dyslexia, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Processing Difficulties, Coordination, and Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "My son is now unrecognisable from where we were a couple of years ago. His life is much easier, and he is much happier and more confident as a result. I attribute this to both maturity and The Key Clinic. The clinic has always been fantastically positive and given us goals to work towards."

  • Mother of an 8-Year-Old Boy

    March 2024

    Concern: Physical wellbeing, Low Mood, Anger, Emotional regulation, and Hypersensitivity

    Programme: BioTransform

    "We started at The Key Clinic 9 months ago. My 8-year-old’s symptoms included very low mood, anger issues, emotional dysregulation, hypersensitive hearing, and fatigue. My son had been a very happy toddler, but all of these symptoms had been getting worryingly worse as he got older. He would often be sent into the 'calm down' tent area of the classroom. We wanted to try and get him into another school but knew his current report about behaviour would work against him."

    "I felt something was very biochemically imbalanced with my son, especially as he had had a lot of antibiotics in his life. Key Clinic testing showed a gluten and dairy intolerance, very low magnesium, pyrroles, high yeast, poor gut health, very low iron, low pancreatic enzymes, and very high mould toxins. He wasn’t digesting, absorbing, or eliminating properly; he was depleted in nutrients and was essentially very inflamed."

    "Day 1 of the summer holidays, my son went gluten, dairy, and sugar-free, and we introduced supplements. Even though we ate pretty healthily, this was exceptionally hard work, and the withdrawal behavioural symptoms were awful. These were the very foods he sought out. However, it all paid off. He went back to school calmer, happier, and more regulated. The teachers assumed he had just matured over the summer. He got a good report, and he has now been accepted into a new school. Whilst we aren’t all the way there yet and there are still 'moments,' it is a far cry from where we were. We can clearly see a direct link between poor food choices and behaviour and mood. With the greatest thanks to Dr Zia Stratos and Anna Trundle for all their support. We will continue to have 6-monthly check-ins with The Key Clinic."

  • Mother of Eleanor (16-year-old girl)

    March 2024

    Concern: Autism, Physical wellbeing, Academic Achievement, and Balance

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "Since meeting Katy in July 2023, a year after receiving Eleanor’s ASD diagnosis, the changes in Eleanor have been transformational. Eleanor completed the auditory therapy and has since started to sing and has been much more alert and engaging in conversations. We are almost at the end of our Neurodevelopmental programme, and since we started, Eleanor has lost over 30lbs in weight (which she has undertaken herself over 6–8 months using MyFitnessPal). She has sat four rounds of mock GCSEs and is now passing them and getting grade 7s in some of her subjects, which she had not done before. She is diligent with her exercises (prompting my husband and me to do them with her every day!) and has been totally committed to the programme from the outset."

    "Katy has been superb. She instantly put Eleanor at ease from our very first meeting and helped her with breathing exercises, which she found difficult (Katy even sent a small toy in the post that helped Eleanor practice more easily!). The progress Eleanor has made with her balance, posture, physical strength, and general demeanour is incredible. Prior to starting the treatment, Eleanor was very reserved, quiet, and relatively serious; she had been very unhappy in school. A combination of taking her out of school, working with an online tutor, and then focussing on her neurodevelopmental progress has resulted in us having a daughter who is happy, smiley, chatty, and wonderful company!"

    "Katy is positive, encouraging, and thoughtful in her approach and has helped to bring Eleanor to a place where she can manage crowds better, doesn’t get anxious about her exams, and I am so hopeful about her taking her GCSEs in May. We are so grateful that we have been able to work with Katy over the last year and can’t thank her enough for the way that she has enabled Eleanor to develop into the wonderful girl that she is."

  • Father of Joseph (11-year-old boy)

    March 2024

    Concern: Outbursts, Emotional regulation, Sensory Processing, and Concentration

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "From initial contact to final review, every aspect of The Key Clinic has been exceptional. The improvement in Joseph's concentration, mood, and behaviour as a result of the programme has been astounding. His focus and ability to achieve at school have increased significantly and have been noticed by his teachers."

    Additional Note: This testimonial highlights our journey with Joseph, who was initially identified as having hearing loss—a diagnosis later confirmed by a private ENT consultant, though not by NHS audiogram. While Joseph may consider auditory therapy in the future, he has recently completed the NeuroMature programme, receiving outstanding feedback.

  • Mother of a 11-year-old Son

    March 2024

    Concern: Dyslexia, Writing, Spelling, Self-Esteem, Bedwetting, Coordination, and Frustration

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "My child said to us the other day, 'Remember when I used to hate myself?' Now he doesn't! He is proud of himself and his achievements. He can also do things he could never do before, such as catch a ball, play in a team, revise for exams, and get organised for school."

    Additional Note: "Also a big win—no more bed-wetting!"

  • Mother of Henry (10-year-old boy)

    February 2024

    Concern: Concentration, Sensory Processing, Coordination, Balance

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    “The Key Clinic has given my son the foundations that he was missing. With this in mind additionally, to the tools that he has been given his balance, self-awareness, control have very much improved and will go on improving. His hypersensitivity has also diminished both with his body and hearing. A much more confident and happier child. Bringing a content and calmer family.”

  • Mother of Jack (11-year-old boy)

    February 2024

    Concern: Emotional regulation, Fidgeting, Concentration, Coordination, Maths, Processing difficulties, and Bedwetting

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "I feel that Jack has made significant improvements in all areas. He has become quicker at doing tasks in school, his handwriting is better and much quicker, and he has developed more patience with his homework. There has been a significant improvement in his guitar playing and tennis. Over the last few months at school, he has made a strong circle of friends, valuing their friendship and being part of a group. I have also noticed that his maths has improved. He is enjoying school now, and this morning he said he was 'excited to go in!' Jack’s mental state has become much happier."

    "I have also noticed that he hasn’t wet the bed for months. There’s a five-day residential school trip coming up in April, and last year we were thinking that he wouldn’t go as he wasn’t ready for it. Now, however, everything has changed, and Jack is really excited to go, and I feel ready to let him. I do put this down to The Key Clinic and the subtle changes it has made to him over time."

    Additional Note: "I was also really impressed with the change over time with his drawings and writing. It is amazing how much it has changed!"

  • Parents of a Young Daughter

    February 2024

    Concern: Coordination, Speech and Language

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "The programme has allowed her to do activities that were impossible before. As a result, she has improved in these areas. She is more comfortable and more energetic."

    Additional Note: "She is doing gymnastics, swimming, and has done street dance. I would strongly recommend The Key Clinic to be able to unlock a child’s potential. It is hard work, but the results are worth it."

    Further Context: This child is the third family member to complete a neurodevelopmental programme (after her older sister and father). She began in August 2022 after completing one round of Classic auditory therapy, which was a game-changer, transforming her from being completely mute to speaking. She underwent another course of AIT in January 2023 with excellent results. Her neuro programme was adapted with gentle, progressive steps, significantly improving her coordination, attention, and overall demeanour.

  • Mother of a Son (11-years-old)

    February 2024

    Concern: Dyspraxia, Coordination, Writing, Anxiety, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "My son’s Dyspraxia assessment placed him in the 1st percentile for motor coordination, revealing significant difficulties with proprioception. He was also previously diagnosed with significant muscle weakness. Within 2 weeks of starting the Neurodevelopment programme, he stopped bumping into people and objects. Halfway through, he started winning races at sports day (no longer running with his head down), and by the end, he was able to do forward rolls for the first time in his life. His confidence has grown considerably, and he is literally growing in strength and now is able to enjoy participating in sport."

    "On the academic side, his handwriting is now beautifully formed and very easy to read. He still struggles with verbal reasoning, but as he is no longer struggling across the board, we can focus support. The programme requires commitment, but we would 100% do it again given the positive impacts that will remain with him throughout his life. All of our interactions with staff at The Key Clinic have been very positive, supportive, and professional. Particular thanks to Emma and Jessie for supporting George through the occasional wobble and guiding me through the exercises."

  • Mother of Harry (16-year-old boy)

    February 2024

    Concern: ADHD, Anxiety, Emotional Regulation, and Concentration

    Programme: BioTransform

    "We have just finished a 4-month biomedical programme with The Key Clinic, and it has changed our son’s and our lives for the better. Prior to contacting The Key Clinic, we were at a loss as to how to help our son Harry, who was going into year 11 at school. He had been suspended twice and was constantly in trouble for impulsive behaviour in the classroom. His emotional dysregulation was extreme and traumatic for the family; his mood was low, his anxiety high, and ADHD meds did not work for Harry."

    "We entered the biomedical programme with a lot of hope. However, it took time and a lot of patience and support from the wonderful Aga to find the right balance of supplements for Harry. There were certainly times when we doubted the process and wondered if the supplements would really make a difference to Harry’s well-being. After a lot of adjustments to the protocol and tears from me, Harry seemed to be calm, happy, and emotionally regulated—something we hadn’t seen since he was 11 years old."

    "Harry soon stopped his school counselling. His tutors reported an improvement in his concentration and focus, and at home, we started to see a young man who could plan and organise for himself, which was unheard of. There is still a way to go, but we can only say that the changes are beyond our wildest comprehension. Harry is now in a place where he will be able to ‘do life!’ We can’t thank Aga and the team enough for all that you have done, and we feel so privileged to have been able to travel this journey."

  • Zach’s Mother (12-year-old boy)

    January 2024

    Concern: Autism, Sensory Processing, Anxiety, Repetitive Behaviours, and Concentration

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "We cannot thank you all enough for the positive impact The Key Clinic has had on Zach. He was put on the Auditory, Neurodevelopmental, and Biomedical Programmes, all of which had an impact. We have noticed significant changes in so many different ways since he started the programme in 2022. One of the biggest changes is in his anxiety; he has gone from a very anxious little boy to a much calmer and more grounded young man. His 'tics' have reduced massively, and he is just generally less worried about all aspects of life."

    "He is now more adventurous with trying new foods, whereas before he had a very limited diet. He is taking part in sports at school, which he never wanted to be involved in, and he is finding new interests apart from gaming (which was his whole world). He has started drawing really incredible Anime characters, which he really enjoys doing, and he has also developed a huge interest in cooking! His reading and writing have remarkably improved, and he is doing really well at school!"

    "I always thought that The Key Clinic was something that didn't impact my life, but boy was I wrong... Today, I finally ended my journey with The Key Clinic, and the impact it had on my life was astonishing. I personally think younger kids or adults with ADHD or some kind of disorder should go there, especially if they are worried all the time. They have tons of relaxing and mostly therapeutic ways of decreasing anxiety, depression, and mental disorders."

    "Also, if you want more information about the members of staff, they are all really lovely, and some have over 40 years of experience and some even more. If you want more information about all of this, then just search up The Key Clinic."

  • Mother of a Son (7-years-old)

    January 2024

    Concern: Reading, Writing, Spelling, Maths and Concentration

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "It's been 4 months since we began AIT and two months into neuro therapy. The impact on my son’s spelling, attitude, and desire to read has been significant. His belief has grown, which is driving his attitude to do more, and this is achieving positive results at school and at home. Roll on the next few months!"

    Following the completion of NeuroMature: "If your child is presenting with some challenges, and you want to help them overcome them, get an assessment at The Key Clinic. For our 7 year old it has been life changing!”


  • Mother 11-year-old girl

    December 2023

    Concern: Academic Achievement, Anxiety, Self-esteem

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "When I first approached The Key Clinic, it was from a point of desperation mixed with apprehension: I was sceptical but had no choice. The holistic approach taken by the whole team was incredibly supportive and hopeful as well as educational for my husband and myself. One year on, I cannot believe the impact the programme has had on my daughter and our whole family! Our daughter is now fulfilling her potential, and our relationship has been transformed. I am truly grateful to have found The Key Clinic, and I have recommended it to numerous friends and colleagues since. Thank you so much for all that you do!"

  • Father of Sofia (13-year-old girl)

    December 2023

    Concern: Emotional regulation, Academic Achievement, and Speech and Language

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "Sofia has come on leaps and bounds. Her conversation skills and speech have hugely improved; it's amazing!"

    Additional Note: Sofia has completed a round of AIT – BrightBeatz and is now entering the NeuroMature programme.

  • Mother of Jacob

    November 2023

    Concern: Confidence and Mood

    Programme: BioTransform

    "I just had to share with you—Jacob has got Star of the Week this week! I can’t explain how proud we are of him. This week something just seems to have clicked, and he has been much happier. Thank you so much for everything."

  • Mother of Jack (8-year-old)

    November 2023

    Concern: Reading and Hypersensitivity

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Jack has hugely benefitted from the kindness and care given at The Key Clinic. It was lovely to know that there was something we could do to help his hypersensitive hearing. After 1 round of Auditory Therapy, I can already see a difference."

    "The care was excellent, and all of the therapists spoke to him and made him feel in control of what was going to happen. I couldn't recommend The Key Clinic more."

  • Michele, Mother of Tilly (12-years-old)

    September 2023

    Concern: Dyslexia, Emotional Regulation, Hypersensitivity, and Sleep

    Programme: BioTransform

    "Going ahead with The Key Clinic biomedical programme has been the best decision we've made for Tilly. We found that she was deficient in zinc, magnesium, and iron. Taking these supplements has massively improved her sleep, anger, and regulation of emotions. It's amazing what a difference taking these supplements can make."

    "Our contact, Lilly, was extremely helpful and always on hand for questions. I would 100% recommend The Key Clinic."

  • Emily, Mother of a Young Daughter

    September 2023

    Concern: Dyslexia, Reading, ADHD, Emotional Regulation, and Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "Our daughter is diagnosed with severe dyslexia and also ADHD. We came to The Key Clinic wanting the multifaceted approach they offer as we were searching for ways to improve our daughter’s self-esteem and confidence, her sleep, her ability to concentrate, and her general well-being. At her dyslexia assessments, we had been told she was extremely bright and therefore extremely frustrated with her inability to decode words or sound them out effectively—and at nearly 9, she was still not reading."

    "It was well worth the few trips down to London (we are in Yorkshire) for the huge improvements we saw in our child. The difference in her reading after completing the auditory therapy was truly amazing, and because of this her self-esteem went up to where it should be. Although she will always be dyslexic, her reading ability improved hugely, and she is far less behind now than she was. We are confident she will continue to catch up and will be where she needs to be upon entering secondary school. Her teachers are amazed!"

    "We also completed comprehensive testing and a four-month BioTransform programme. Although it was very tough at times to persuade our daughter to take all the supplements, the improvement in her sleep patterns, her meltdowns, her frustration and anger, and her high anxiety have been so wonderful, and we feel she is in a much better place than when we started this journey. It is amazing to see how targeting supplements properly can have such hugely positive outcomes."

    "We are so grateful to Teddy, Lilly, and all at The Key Clinic for helping our daughter and therefore our family. We have been recommending, and will continue to recommend, their services to anyone who has a child who is struggling. Neurodiverse children are chronically underserved and misunderstood, and often offered the wrong help. We are beyond grateful that places like The Key Clinic exist to help them begin to lead the lives they deserve—we wish it was available to everyone, and hope that one day it will be."

  • Mother of a Young Boy

    September 2023

    Concern: Writing, Reading, Academic Achievement, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "I just wanted to say our son is in a phenomenally different place now than before the summer break. His teacher cannot believe the improvement in his letter formation—now all of his letters are written correctly (mostly), which means they can read his work! I have received messages from his teachers saying they have cried as they have watched him independently write."

    "He is making progress with reading too—the most profound difference being his attitude, as he reads every day now and will not miss a day. He takes pride in what he is working on, and it is such a gift. Last week he received the Certificate of the Week."

  • Mother of a 14-year-old girl

    September 2023

    Concern: Dyslexia, Concentration, Emotional Regulation, Mood, and Impulse Control

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "Our daughter seemed to face many obstacles, all working against her learning and her emotional resilience. Looking at all these odd tendencies through The Key Clinic lens has brought about an awareness of what could be the root causes for many of her problems with low self-esteem, low mood, feeling unmotivated, as well as everything being an overwhelming chore—especially homework and attending school. She had a tendency to eat poorly, spend with no thought, and was developing some seriously poor habits in so many areas that together became a great concern."

    "We went through audio therapy twice, which seemed to improve our daughter's ability to sleep much better, and she became more emotionally resilient. We then took steps to join the supplement and diet journey, which was a somewhat bigger commitment, but it has been so worthwhile. Our daughter increased her energy levels, emotional resilience, feeling more on top of things, getting on with homework, and working things out more constructively than she would have been able to before."

    "I feel the diet journey will continue, as she has developed a true fondness for some of the more nutritious foods she has had to stick to during this time, and has felt the big difference it has made to her general well-being. She now understands what foods will give her body what it needs. I very much doubt we would have ever seen such a shift (and in just 4 months) without the support, input, and guidance of our clinician, Lilly Barton. We will forever be grateful for the changes we have seen during this time and that the programme has helped us witness the clear link between nutrition, supplements, and a body and brain that just function so much better. We couldn't have done this without you!"

  • Mother of Tristan (7-year-old boy)

    September 2023

    Concern: Sensory Processing, Hyper mobility, Coordination, Frustration, Impulse Control, and Emotional Regulation

    Programme: BioTransform

    "The Key Clinic’s biomedical programme has been life-altering for Tristan and indeed for the whole family. Within a matter of weeks of taking supplements, after discovering he was incredibly zinc deficient and had high copper levels, his attention, mood swings, even his balance, and social communication were vastly improved. He even started sleeping past 6 am, which had never happened in his life!"

    "The before and after picture is like night and day, and I would highly recommend this to any parent with a child who struggles with any behavioural issues or neurodivergence. We had seen many specialists over the years, and not once had these deficiencies been picked up. I am forever grateful to Cynthia and the team for the support they have given us. Thank you so much."

  • Mother of a Child (10-years-old)

    September 2023

    Concern: Dyslexia, Confidence, Anger, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "Our Key Clinic journey has been the best investment for our child. It has been fascinating to see the improvements with the audio therapy, exercises, supplements, and dietary changes. It has all been worth it—we no longer have an anxious, angry child but one who is much more confident and happier. Thank you, Key Clinic!"

  • Mother of a Boy (11-year-old)

    July 2023

    Concern: Sensory Processing, Learning Difficulties, Memory, Concentration, and Coordination

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Our son struggled with processing and working memory, had sensory issues, and could become easily overwhelmed at school and home. No matter how much effort he put in, school and sports were difficult. We went in with the expectation that if it even helped by the smallest amount, the compound benefits over a lifetime would be more than worth it."

    "We are now 6 months in and at the end of the formal programme. I cannot express enough how life-changing this has been for him and, as a consequence, us as a family. Our son very quickly saw immediate benefits following the auditory therapy in terms of concentration, responsiveness, and feeling less overwhelmed by sound. This has continued to build throughout the wider programme."

    "He is now a happier child, he has grown in confidence, and is more independent as his working memory and processing capability have increased. He will quite happily concentrate for longer periods and is reading for pleasure. Before our eyes, he was suddenly finding it easier to form and write letters. We see him now stepping out on life with more focus and confidence, far more independently than we ever dreamed possible."

    His opinion—'Worth it! I am a better rugby player, and I got picked for the cricket tournament!' We will be forever grateful to Anna and The Key Clinic team.

  • Mother of a Teenage Boy (13-year-old)

    June 2023

    Concern: Dyspraxia, Autism, and Emotional Regulation

    Programme: BioTransform

    "We undertook the Biomedical Assessment and then completed a 4-month programme at The Key Clinic for our son, who has been struggling particularly with his emotional regulation. From the beginning, The Key Clinic practitioners were highly professional to deal with and extremely knowledgeable and supportive every step of the way."

    "I would highly recommend this clinic if you want to see improvements in your child’s symptoms, whatever your child’s challenges are. It makes so much sense to test to see where their deficiencies lie, then treat these nutritionally and with tailor-made supplements as and where they are needed. There have been improvements in our son’s behaviour, and this will hopefully continue as he matures. It is good to know that we have hopefully corrected his chemical imbalances."

    Additional Note: Although 4 months is a big commitment, it is worth doing to see the amazing results. A huge thank you to Lilly, who has been hugely kind and supportive throughout the programme.

  • Mother of Pearse (7-year-old boy)

    June 2023

    Concern: Bedwetting, Defiance, and Emotional Regulation

    Programme: BrightBeatz

    "Not sure what’s happening, but my son is on day nine of audio therapy and in one week has received amazing feedback from teachers: he got Star of the Day at school, Duck of the Day in weekend class, advanced a grade in football, finished a handwriting course, and passed an assessment for a new school! Overall, we are noticing that Pearse is more focused and calmer, and he really enjoys the therapy."

  • Xavi's Teacher

    May 2023

    Concern: Fidgeting, Repetitive Behaviours, Concentration

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "There has been a remarkable improvement in the classroom since we spoke before the Easter holidays. Xavi is now more controlled, self-aware, and far less likely to call out. It's been a positive change."

  • Father of Xavi

    May 2023

    Concern: Fidgeting, Repetitive Behaviours, Concentration

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "Xavi has his end-of-year exams this week at Kings, and thanks to the recommendations and support we received from you and the OT, along with the neurodevelopmental programme over the past 9 months, he's been a different boy during these exams. He's confident, focused, and calm. We have noticed a significant difference, especially considering the regression we saw before implementing your and Anna T's advice. Xavi is not presenting any tics that we can see at this stage, even under the pressure he's facing."

    Additional Note: "While we still have more work to do, we feel he is in a much better place now. We do need to address his anxiety ahead of next term when new students join his year, and we appreciate Nathalie's email regarding that."

  • Adult Client

    May 2023

    Concern: Stammering, Speech and Language

    Programme: BrightBeatz

    "I had a lovely time earlier with Emma for my second audiogram. A massive improvement! My laterality is almost perfect, and my hearing is back in the normal range. My friends and family are noticing substantive improvements in the stammer too. I am as well, particularly in that I'm much better able to terminate and re-initiate a stammering syllable, which I hope is indicative of better executive control over speech processes."

  • Mother of Zack

    January 2023

    Concern: Confidence, Social Engagement, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "Zack worked very hard with a number of wonderful therapists, resulting in all of the retained reflexes being integrated and fully developed. His central nervous system has matured, and, consequently, we are already seeing improvements. At school, he has gone from getting grades 1 and 2 to grades 5, 6, and 7. In general, his self-confidence and speech have improved, as well as his posture, his social interaction, and he now has a great social network of friends."

    "We will be forever grateful to everyone at The Key Clinic for helping to unlock Zack’s potential."

  • Adult Client

    January 2023

    Concern: Physical Wellbeing, Sleep, Fidgeting, Mood, and Anxiety

    Programme: BioTransform

    "I am so thankful for finding this company in 2020. Since completing the methylation programme, my physical and mental health has improved more than I could possibly have imagined, and I can work more too. I am medically complicated, and the testing showed issues that I can now confidently deal with."

    "The staff are friendly and professional, and I highly recommend. Sending a huge thank you to the team!"

  • Mother of a 15-Year-Old Son

    January 2023

    Concern: Concentration, Anxiety, Social Engagement

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Having been recommended to The Key Clinic, we were initially very sceptical about how this could possibly work. Our 15-year-old son was also less than convinced, but he felt the need to try anything. We were soon proved wrong! From our initial consultation, the whole process was professional, caring, and understanding. There was always a quick response to any questions or concerns, and for the first time, we felt like we weren’t alone; we could finally get some help. We cannot praise our therapist Anna enough. She supported us through some emotional and difficult times—an amazing lady."

    "We started the auditory therapy soon after our initial consultation, and within a short amount of time, the small changes were noticeable. Greater concentration, increased awareness of others, and a calmness we haven’t seen for years. We would not hesitate in recommending this company to anyone."

  • Cameron’s Mum (16-year-old boy)

    January 2023

    Concern: Emotional Regulation, Autism, Hypersensitivity, Anger, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature, BioTransform

    “I don’t think any words I have will be able to articulate how true these words are.

    We were at breaking point in March 2020. Years and years of extreme stress, supporting a child in huge emotional difficulty both in school and at home. Anger, violence, verbal abuse, hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, school exclusions were all part of our daily lives. As a mum, I took the brunt of the behaviour but my husband and other children were not safe from the stress of living in a pressure cooker. My son’s behaviour would explode without warning, anywhere.

    My son was diagnosed with autism with borderline ADHD and symptoms of tourettes. He was 11 at the time of diagnosis but the extreme behaviour was present from the day he started school. The hypersensitivity to noise and light had been present since birth. The only thing suggested to manage his symptoms was medication and we were at the point of reluctantly considering it. Then, thanks to DJ Chris Evans we heard about the Key Clinic. I am thankful every day that I happened to be driving to work when he was talking about his experience of the key clinic for his son’s difficulties. I immediately made an appointment. There was nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    We met with a clinician at the Berkshire clinic and then our son was assessed through a number of tests. The approach to the tests was supportive for us but more importantly supportive for our son. Covid had hit by the time we were booked for tests so they had to be done virtually. I wasn’t sure if this would be successful as generally my son struggles to engage in zoom sessions. The clinicians were so skilled that the approach was successful

    By the time we were ready to start the different approaches, depression had kicked in for our son and he was expressing thoughts of suicide. This was an extremely difficult time. Clinicians, with the support of the director Sarah, guided, supported and advised us through the range of treatments required. For us this involved auditory therapy, neuromature therapy and biomedical interventions. The journey wasn’t easy but my advice would be to treat each day as a new day and keep putting one step in front of the other until each therapy/treatment is complete.

    I cried a lot but the clinicians and practitioners supported me to support my son and to keep going on the journey that truly has changed our family life and my son’s future.

    The results for my son have been immense. We now have a young man of 16 who is engaged in life, has friends (which was a very challenging aspect of his childhood), is engaged and doing well in school, is good natured most of the time, is emotionally resilient most of the time, is kind and caring, is well-mannered. People are shocked when we explain his past difficulties as they just can’t

    imagine him being anywhere near as challenging as he was. My son still has some level of anxiety and this is a work in progress for us.

    When our son left primary school, we had pretty much given up hope of him achieving any school based qualifications. We were visiting special schools for pupils with severe emotional dysregulation. He was admitted to a school learning resource base with a specialist teacher in year 7. No child is in receipt of this provision unless things are really challenging and they are considered unsuitable for mainstream education. Now the situation is completely changed. He is a happy and increasingly confident young man who attends mainstream classes and rarely needs extra emotional support from the specialist provision in school. He is expected to pass all his GCSEs with a number of A*s. He plans to take science, maths and sport A levels. He is both loving and lovable most of the time. Going out on family visits, going to restaurants, going on a family holiday are no longer a no- go. He is even going skiing with school this April. Due to the risks his behaviour would pose to his own safety, I would never have imagined this would ever be possible.

    My son is evidence that a future can be altered through these professionally supported implementation of these treatments.

    Thank you to the Key Clinic. You have truly changed our lives!” Cameron's mum.


  • Helen, Mother of Noah

    December 2022

    Concern: Balance, Coordination, Concentration, Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "The Key Clinic programme has been transformative for our son. We have seen his balance, coordination, ability, and focus all improve, which, in turn, has improved his self-confidence. Overall, it really has been a positive experience, and the whole family has benefited as a result."

    "We felt really well supported while on our programme. It's a really good all-rounder. There's so much to it with the diet, the auditory programme, and the movement. It really looks at so many things, and the support has been great. You always feel like you can get in touch with people and ask questions. Noah loved coming here."

  • Liz Earle, MBE

    November 2022

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz

    "The work at The Key Clinic is so life-changing for so many. They get amazing results. I wish more people were aware of this!"

  • Robert Williams, Headmaster of Bishopsgate School

    November 2022

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "I would like to champion the work of Sarah and The Key Clinic. Thanks to the team and their therapies, I have just sent my son off to secondary school, and the trajectory he is on—and the improvements I have seen over the past 18 months—I have no doubt are due to Sarah and the team. I truly believe it has been life-changing for him and life-changing for other boys and girls at Bishopsgate."

    "I wholeheartedly support the therapies they use. Why not have a look at everything they do and see what they could do for your child?"

  • Mother of Hania (12-year-old)

    November 2022

    Concern: Anxiety, Sensory Processing, Coordination, Emotional Regulation

    Programme: NeuroMature, BioTransform, BrightBeatz

    "The Key Clinic therapies have made a tremendous difference in Hania's behaviour; she is so much happier and relaxed. The whole family’s well-being has improved as we no longer face Hania's very stressful evening sleep anxiety. There are no more stressful holidays either, as Hania's behaviour was unpredictable, and she didn’t handle unexpected changes or routine changes well."

    "She had sensory issues and was very limited in what she was able to wear—now that has all changed, and her wardrobe is full (and my wallet empty!). Her anxiety issues have not fully resolved, but the improvement is enormous, and they no longer affect Hania's happiness."

  • Mother of Max, 8-years-old

    November 2022

    Concern: Reading, Writing, Concentration, and Coordination

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "Max is doing really, really well! We had a parents’ evening last night, and we were just saying how well he is doing. He is reading for pleasure, which was totally unheard of before now! His handwriting is much neater, he is a lot more focused at school, daydreaming less often, and he can handle homework much better as he is paying more attention in class."

    "He is just so much better. Thank you so much for all of your help. I'm currently chatting to another mum at school about recommending you guys—I have to say we are very, very happy."

  • Parent of a Girl (10-years-old)

    November 2022

    Concern: Dyslexia, Frustration, Emotional Regulation, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "We would highly recommend The Key Clinic. While it hasn’t cured dyslexia, we have seen such a difference in our little girl’s ability to work with it and even thrive. Our daughter spent over two years on antibiotics, and we were unaware that this had affected her gut. She was also very allergic to dairy products. The dietitian’s recommendations have made a huge difference to her well-being and emotions, which in turn has made family life so much happier."

  • Mother of teenage boy (14-years-old)

    November 2022

    Concern: ADHD, Writing, Concentration, Fidgeting, Hypersensitive, and Speech and Language

    Programme: BioTransform, NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "Anything is worth a try, and the team at The Key Clinic are so kind and patient. They make a real difference just by talking to them."

  • 16-year-old girl

    November 2022

    Concern: Dyslexia, Reading, Writing, Coordination, Hypermobility, Frustration, and Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "So many things that made my world so confusing are now making so much more sense. I can walk, talk, and dance better. I can explain my thoughts and feelings easier. I can even throw and catch a ball while skiing! I am beginning to read and write! I read a 5-word sentence from a book and not only read it, but I understood it! It was exactly as if someone had flicked on a switch in my brain!"

    "I am slowly, but surely improving. I am excited about what the rest of my life may be, as I now feel I have had doors opened for me that I didn’t have before. I dearly wish to become an author—I hope you will see my book on the shelves one day."

    "Thank you to all The Key Clinic staff; you have really changed my life."

  • Mother of a Girl (9-years-old)

    October 2022

    Concern: Academic Achievement, Maths, Spelling, and Auditory Processing

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "We saw our daughter go from not reading for pleasure at all to suddenly picking up books and becoming a voracious reader. It is still early days since the programme, and I feel confident that other academic progress will follow."

    “My daughter is now 6 months post her treatment and she continues to go from strength to strength. She is now above average in her class for reading. She has learnt timetables and can tell the time. Her handwriting is significantly neater. She believes she is able to sit better in class. There have been improvements outside of school; she is thriving in her netball and dance classes. I cannot thank the Key Clinic enough and cannot wait to see what happens over the next 6 months.”

    “It has been interesting to witness my daughter’s continued progress. She has recently received her ‘pen license’ at school allowing her to start to use a pen rather than pencil. This may seem like a minor change but is a huge progress marker for her. She feared (as did we) that she might never receive it. She is excelling with her reading, but still below average for maths and spelling&grammar. Even here though there are some signs of progress, she has finally grasped timetables, she can tell the time, she is trying to remember punctuation! She is learning her spellings each week much more easily and it is no longer a torturous process each week. When I speak to her, she believes she is able to sit better in the classroom. Outside of school, she has been participating in dance and netball sessions and really enjoying them. Previously she would attend but not really get much from them. My favourite change of all has been that we have sat together each Saturday and watched Strictly. I know it sounds so minor but this would not have been possible previously. It’s something I cherish!”

  • Mother of a 10-year-old boy

    August 2022

    Concern: Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Academic Achievement and Anxiety

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "The Key Clinic has been amazing throughout our experience so far. We first engaged with them during ‘Covid’ and visited their Berkshire clinic for an initial assessment with our then 10-year-old son, who has ASD, ADHD, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia. From there, we enrolled on the audio, neurodevelopmental, and biomedical pathways and were fully supported every step of the way with face-to-face and online consultations."

    "Last summer, we took our son to stay near the clinic for a two-week period of neuro exercises led by Katy Lonsdale, who is an incredible practitioner. The clinic itself is in a peaceful and scenic location, which helped—along with Katy—to calm our anxious son. We attended the clinic twice a day, coupled with the audio therapy, which we conducted ourselves with the team’s support."

    "I can’t thank The Key Clinic team enough for the differences in our son’s behaviour, and we would highly recommend The Key Clinic. The outcome of the work they’ve done with our son has made a huge difference in his behaviour, his anxiety, and his abilities. At one stage, we weren’t sure if we could keep him in mainstream school, yet a year on, he’s successfully completed Year 7 and made real advances in his subjects as well as socially and emotionally. I would go so far as to say he’s like a different child, such is the confidence the team instilled in him. A huge thank you to all of the team!"

  • Andrew, Father of Alfie (6-year-old)

    May 2022

    Concern: Emotional Regulation and Hypersensitivity

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "I first heard of The Key Clinic whilst listening to Chris Evans speak so highly of an ingenious approach to supporting children in areas they may have been struggling with. This encompassed a wide range of issues that in turn could be linked to behaviour and development. Not only does this interest me in terms of child development, but I also drew a lot of parallels for my son, Alfie—a happy, loving child who, unfortunately, struggled with his emotions to the point he would get uncontrollably upset about the smallest things."

    "After assessing him biomedically and by way of audiogram, a programme was designed to assist Alfie on both fronts. It's difficult to know what has improved Alfie so much over the past 3 years—whether it’s parenting, maturation, or the programme; I believe it’s a combination of all three. He still has his challenges but always gets praise from teachers as a model pupil, interacts well socially, and is generally happy, which as a parent is all I want."

    "Everyone we've encountered at The Key Clinic has been nothing but helpful and pleasant, making something that might seem stressful a pleasant experience. Alfie enjoyed the process (maybe except for the improved diet) and was always happy to do what was required. I also found that as a parent, the meetings were not just about Alfie but allowed me to understand what was going on and gave a valuable time for reflection, which has made me a better parent to Alfie. For that, I can't thank everyone at The Key Clinic enough."

  • Mother of Jess (15-year-old)

    May 2022

    Concern: Concentration, Academic Achievement, Spelling, Anxiety, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "A quick note to say a big thank you for all the work you did with Jess. She recently sat four sets of mock exams and each time, she doubled her results. She’s now sitting her GCSEs and is able to focus and concentrate on study without fidgeting, being distracted, or feeling overwhelmingly anxious. Her emotional health is great, she’s trying out new hobbies, enjoying life, and looking forward to starting college."

    "Thank you so much for all the hard work your team put in. Whilst we had to take additional time due to the anxiety aspect, it has made a huge positive difference in Jessie's life and was worth every single penny."

  • Father of Jack (11-year-old)

    February 2022

    Concern: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Reading, Writing, Hypersensitivity, Anxiety, Coordination, and Auditory Processing

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Our son Jack is severely dyslexic. We took him to The Key Clinic in 2020 for an intensive programme lasting 10 days. This involved visiting the clinic twice a day for intensive exercises, which were made fun, so he was happy to participate. We had not heard about retained primitive reflexes—but he did have them."

    "On day six, he had quite a physical reaction where 'it all came out.' This was quite a breakthrough, and we saw an immediate change in our son. Straight after the programme, he became a different person: he was more chatty, more confident, less anxious, more social, less monosyllabic, and just 'more present in the room.' For us, this has been life-changing and wonderful to see. We believe this information (and treatment) should be more widely known about."


  • Mother of 18-Year-Old Son

    October 2021

    Concern: Emotional Regulation

    Programme: BioTransform

    "Sarah, you and your team are truly amazing! I totally share Liz Earle’s sentiment about getting quite emotional talking about what you do. It is nothing short of a miracle what you’ve achieved with our son over such a short time, and I know that we’ve really only just started. Can’t wait to see what happens next!"

    "It’s staggering how little is really known and understood about all of this. Having seen our son wrongly medicated, I can really appreciate some of the more concerning stats about the consequences, as we’ve almost been there ourselves. I’m spreading the word as widely as I can!"

  • Parent of James

    July 2021

    Concern: Emotional Regulation, Academic Achievement, and Auditory Processing

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "I just wanted to say we’ve started The Key Clinic journey with my son, James. He completed the auditory therapy a couple of weeks ago and still has the next two programmes to go. But already we’ve seen a massive change in him, which has brought a much calmer household. It is absolutely incredible."

    "I asked him how he was feeling as he’s just so calm now, and he said he can hear better at school and is able to complete much more work. He’s so much happier in himself. It’s very exciting, and I wasn’t expecting such a dramatic change so quickly. I’m so happy to have found the clinic and can’t wait to get my daughter started. Thank you to you and your team—I can’t wait to see even more positive results!"

  • Parent of Archie (11-year-old boy)

    July 2021

    Concern: ADHD, Dyslexia, Concentration, Fidgeting, Frustration, Sleep, and Processing Difficulties

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "I just wanted to let you know that Archie continues to make great progress both at school and emotionally. He even won the progress report at school on speech day and was made a senior prefect! In his end-of-year exams, he scored 85% in RE, the highest in the class! In history, sciences, and geography, he scored in the mid-70%'s, and he also got the highest mark in the map reading section. This is a long, long way from the 6% he was getting in his exams a year or two ago."

    "He still struggles a little with maths and English but is almost getting around 50% in these. We are blown away by his recent performance and really can't thank you all enough for everything you have done for him. He is currently on the medication for his undermethylation, which I think is beginning to make a difference too. He said to me the other day, 'Mum, I think I am doing so much better, and feeling so much better because of The Key Clinic...' That sums it all up, really."

  • Mother of Axi (8-year-old)

    June 2021

    Concern: Concentration, Writing, Organisation, and Coordination

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "It was lovely to see you, and although I am glad we have finished the programme, I will miss our appointments with you. Thank you so much for all the support you have given us over the past 7 months. We are so happy to have come across the programme, as it has made a big difference to Axi’s well-being."

    "I have to admit that at some points during the programme, I had my doubts, and it was hard to grasp how these exercises could cause such a big change. But suddenly the change happened! Since we were in lockdown for most of the time, the teachers noted an even bigger difference once he was back in school. I had a meeting with Axi’s teacher last week, and she said, 'To be honest, I did not understand what The Key Clinic programme is about, but it has definitely worked.'"

    "Axi’s focus has improved a lot, his handwriting is much better, and he has improved in sports. At school, he is more 'with it,' and his overall performance has improved. He is now aware of his body and how it moves. I would definitely recommend The Key Clinic to anyone who has a child that is struggling."

    Teacher’s Note: "I am very pleased with Axi so far this term. He still has the odd dreamy moment, but on the whole, he is so much more focused on his work, which is great to see. He is completing more of his tasks and is keeping up with the others. His handwriting has improved significantly and makes a distinct difference to the quality of his written work. Most importantly, I think he has more self-confidence and belief in himself."

  • Mother of Zoe (13-year-old)

    May 2021

    Concern: Reading, Academic Achievement, Emotional Regulation, and Anxiety

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "I just wanted to email to say thank you to you and everyone at The Key Clinic—I can't put into words how much it has helped Zoe. We just had Zoe’s interim report for this term, and she is absolutely exceeding expectations. She had 4 A*s, 5 As, and 5 Bs in her subject grades. She finds reading so much easier and doesn't get anywhere near as anxious or stressed. She even had two teeth out at the dentist last week before her braces were fitted, and she was very calm; the whole process was very stress-free, which historically would not have been the case. Going to the dentist before was always very stressful."

    "I think what you are doing is amazing, and from Zoe’s experience, it is definitely life-changing."

  • Mother of a 6-Year-Old Son

    January 2021

    Concern: Speech and Language, Concentration, and Processing Difficulties

    Programme: BrightBeatz

    "Thank you to The Key Clinic. As parents, we are overwhelmed and beyond grateful. Our 6-year-old son has completed auditory therapy, and we thank your team for your kindness during this process, especially Nicky, for ensuring our son felt at ease, comfortable, and happy during each assessment."

    "The results and difference this treatment has made to our little boy are truly unbelievable. His speech sounds, concentration, and processing have all greatly improved. It feels like a miracle. Thank you."


  • Mother of Renae (6-year-old)

    December 2020

    Concern: Anxiety and Emotional Regulation

    Programme: BioTransform

    "Renae’s been getting on great. She is coping far better at school, and her anxiety has been reduced considerably—some days, it’s non-existent. It’s had a huge positive impact on her day-to-day life and ours. She’s been able to participate in activities and even walk into class without being pulled off me. AMAZING. The improvement in Renae is truly remarkable, and I would love for you to share this with other families."

  • Mother of Joshua (8-year-old)

    December 2020

    Concern: Emotional Regulation, Writing, Concentration, Speech and Language

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "Not only is Joshua talking more, but he is using a wider range of words. On occasions when he may start to have a meltdown, he is now beginning to verbalise his frustration. He also shows faster processing and response time, along with better handwriting."

  • Parents of a Young Son

    December 2020

    Concern: Academic Achievement, Reading, Writing, and Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "My wife and I are amazed at the progress our son has made since starting his treatment with The Key Clinic. After only eight weeks of treatment, he has made improvements with his schoolwork in general. We have seen great improvements in both his reading and writing skills—he has gone from being disengaged with reading and writing to actually wanting to pick up books, which is a refreshing change."

    "He seems to be growing in confidence daily, which is amazing to see. This evening, he even asked to write out his Christmas cards to his school friends, something he has never wanted to do before, and his handwriting has improved immensely. His reading is also much more fluid than it was before the treatment started."

    "We had read a lot of positive feedback about The Key Clinic before starting treatment and had, of course, read about Chris Evans’ son’s success story. However, we remained very sceptical. In the short time we have been working with The Key Clinic, we are very impressed with the results, and we are really hopeful he keeps excelling the way he currently is. Thank you."

  • Mother of Emilia (10-year-old)

    December 2020

    Concern: Reading, Emotional Regulation, Anxiety and Mood

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "I just wanted to update you on Emilia—we seem to have turned a corner! Last week, she did a number of things that I’d say are really not ‘typical’ of what we’ve generally seen from her."

    Progress Notes:

    "She read a story out loud to her brother at bedtime (I can’t remember the last time I heard her read out loud!)."

    "She played a board game with her brother over the weekend and didn’t storm off—a remarkable change!"

    "She’s been commenting on how happy she feels and has been finding school enjoyable."

    "On Friday, I received an email from her teacher saying she’d done a great bit of writing and then put her hand up and read it out to the rest of the class!"

  • Mother of a 14-Year-Old Son

    December 2020

    Concern: Concentration, Academic Achievement

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Finding The Key Clinic was like being given the keys to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory! Having struggled to find something that could help our 14-year-old son open up different areas of his brain and get them to connect and work together, The Key Clinic literally helped unlock them all. Never was a clinic more appropriately named."

    "Moni and Jessie were amazing and so patient with a boy who really didn’t want to be a part of the process. With their encouragement, he progressed through the exercises—some of which were quite hardcore yoga-style moves! To talk to specialists who genuinely understood all the different sides of our son and were able to help without drugs was just incredible. My only regret is that we hadn’t discovered the clinic sooner. Thank you all so much."

  • Mother of Jack

    December 2020

    Concern: Sleep, Processing Difficulties, Memory, and Anxiety

    Programme: BioTransform

    "Jack is doing great at the moment, and we've definitely seen general improvement in all areas. He’s sleeping like a king, trying many more foods, and is happy to try new things. His teachers have noticed that he’s retaining information more easily, and his anxiety isn’t crippling him anymore! It’s been wonderful to hear so many people comment on 'what a changed boy he is,' which is fantastic!"

  • Mother of a Teenage Son

    December 2020

    Concern: Reading, Writing, Concentration, Spelling, Coordination, and Sleep

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "I am really excited to say my son has now submitted two assignments and got 100% in both, which is incredible! He has also said that he finds reading and focusing easier, although he is often still reluctant to do either, but I think that’s just a typical teenage boy. As we said before, he is definitely calmer and happier—still moody sometimes, but again, I think that’s probably teenage hormones!"

    "We can’t thank you and your team enough, as this has obviously really boosted his confidence, which is so wonderful to see. I only wish we had discovered this amazing programme earlier, and I hope there is some way that even more children can benefit from your life-changing skills."

  • Mother of a young boy

    November 2020

    Concern: Speech and Language, Reading

    Programme: BrightBeatz

    "My eldest son’s speech therapist has noticed he’s a lot sharper in his tasks, and his vocabulary is broadening. He’s having a more positive experience at school, and we’re reading more at bedtime. It has not been such a battle with either child."

  • Parents of Lily (7-year-old)

    November 2020

    Concern: Writing, Reading, Self-esteem, Anxiety, Academic Achievement, and Sleep

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "I had her parents’ evening this week, and for the first time ever, Lily is making progress in school. Lily’s teacher says, 'Every day, I am amazed at how well she is doing.' They have observed an improvement in her concentration and ability to get on with a task independently."

    Progress Notes:

    "She is regularly writing a page in literacy with ease."

    "She participates and shares good ideas."

    "She reads happily, makes progress, and can apply phonics, which she now has a clearer grasp of."

    "Her self-belief has improved significantly, and she is confident in maths—able to understand and complete tasks."

    "At home, Lily navigates the streets on her roller blades with ease, and the most noticeable difference is how she now plays with toys, getting completely focused and lost in her games."

    "We still have a way to go with the neurodevelopmental programme and the biomedical side, but we are blown away with how you are enabling Lily to be all she can be. We are experiencing what we never dared to dream for. I’m excited to see our reflections again in another 3 months. We are so grateful for everything."

  • Father of Max

    July 2020

    Concern: Speech and Language, Social Engagement, Concentration and confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz

    "Max has been doing really well since auditory therapy. He is no longer considered speech delayed, has learned to ride a bike, is much more confident, and socially indistinguishable from his peers. His handwriting is progressing, and his focus has also greatly improved. There are still some sensory issues we are working on, but we’re so pleased with the progress."

  • Mother of Harry

    June 2020

    Concern: Reading, Confidence, Academic Achievement and Coordination

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "Harry is a different child—I can't thank you enough. Up to one year since the treatment, he has happily turned into a bookworm and can now ride a bike. There are a million amazing things about it. We owe you a huge debt; it’s an amazing thing you do"

  • Dr Fariah Khan (Adult Client)

    March 2020

    Concern: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, Reading, Anxiety, Mood, and Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "One of my patients recommended The Key Clinic to me. I was a trainee GP, wracked with nerves and anxiety, struggling to pass the written exam. I was given one more chance to sit the exam and turned to The Key Clinic at my lowest ebb."

    "I was immediately impressed and put at ease by the team's professionalism and kindness. Their interventions were game-changers. I passed my exams with flying colours and, more importantly, discovered a quiet confidence and calmness I did not have before. I will always be eternally grateful to The Key Clinic and cannot recommend them enough."

  • Family of Fred

    June 2020

    Concern: Concentration and Self-Esteem

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "We really owe you the most enormous thank you for everything you have done for Fred. We brought him to you with a hunch that, while we had some magical days, something was preventing him from truly thriving. During your assessment of him, we could never have fully appreciated the path that lay ahead or the miraculous changes that his and your hard work would set in motion."

    "Prior to his treatment, he found eye contact extremely difficult, seemed to be in his own world a lot of the time, and despite loving sport, was evidently very tired. He was easily distracted at school, struggled to maintain focus, and despite being very capable, suffered from a lack of self-esteem."

    "Six months later, we are delighted to say he is absolutely thriving—he looks everyone in the eye, is far more confident, and is doing really well at school. We are forever indebted to you for your pioneering work and patience."

2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

  • Mother of Two Boys

    December 2019

    Concern: Academic Achievement, Writing, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "I am constantly recommending The Key Clinic to friends, having seen the enormous difference it has made to my eldest two boys. Our 13-year-old son has just achieved As (70% & over) for English and Maths at Common Entrance, having always previously struggled to get results above 40%. At last, his effort translates into results to match. It has been remarkable to see our 9-year-old son's writing improve beyond recognition and to see him keeping up with his peers in his work. The confidence of both boys has soared, along with their belief in themselves. Thank you all SO much."

  • Mother of Two Dyslexic Sons

    August 2019

    Concern: Dyslexia, ADHD, and Sleep

    Programme: BioTransform, BrightBeatz

    "The Key Clinic has helped my two dyslexic sons tremendously, particularly the one with ADHD and sleep issues. I would recommend starting with the clinic before any other therapies or extra coaching for children who are struggling in any way."

  • Mother of Isabel

    July 2019

    Concern: Coordination, Balance, and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "Isabel is flying at her new school, begun after the summer intensive Key Clinic weeks. Knowing that she would start boarding somewhere with a greater emphasis on sport than in London, we have been especially happy to observe her newfound physical confidence: 'I LOVE hockey!' She will still opine that 'I am the clumsiest child on the planet,' and the ground still sometimes unexpectedly rises to meet her, but the general sense of settling into herself and her body is a delight to behold."

  • Dad of a 7-Year-Old Son

    June 2019

    Concern: Frustration, Confidence, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "Although our 7-year-old son's challenges were not severe, we felt it was important to empower him to better reach his potential as he was becoming increasingly frustrated with himself. With the help of The Key Clinic, his confidence has grown, and with it, his ability to tackle academic challenges. Many thanks for your help, support, and advice."

  • Father

    December 2018

    Concern: Academic and Personal Development

    "The Key Clinic has definitely delivered what they promised. If I compare my daughter to a year ago, I am amazed at the changes in her—not just academically, but also personally. I can definitely recommend The Key Clinic!"

  • Mother of Vincent

    September 2018

    Concern: Anxiety, Self-Esteem, and Academic Improvement

    "Vincent was a very anxious child prior to coming to The Key Clinic, struggling academically at school and with low self-esteem. I can genuinely say that he is a completely different child today. Vincent is now a very happy little boy, confident and comfortable in his own skin. He no longer struggles at school and has gone from predominantly C/D grades to mostly Bs. He now enjoys learning and has the confidence to deal with life’s adventures."

    "We will be forever indebted to The Key Clinic for helping Vincent and would highly recommend it. Thank you."

  • Mother

    September 2018

    Concern: Temperament, Coordination, and Academic Progress

    "Every day, we are seeing improvement in our daughter’s temperament, school abilities, and her overall mood, coordination, and well-being. We keep pinching ourselves and keeping our fingers crossed that this will keep going and improving. We spent the best part of three years and thousands of pounds seeing specialist after specialist, with none offering any options or solutions—just labels."

    "Not until we went to The Key Clinic were we given any real guidance on how we might be able to help our daughter. We could not be any more grateful and thankful for your help and commitment."

  • Mother of a 14-Year-Old Son

    April 2018

    Concern: Dyspraxia and Motor Skills

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "My 14-year-old son, diagnosed with Dyspraxia at 10, started working with The Key Clinic in July 2017. After our initial consultation with Sarah, she identified the key areas of ‘blockage’ and devised an intensive therapeutic plan for him."

    "When he first started, he was hesitant and struggled with activities requiring fine and gross motor skills. However, with the encouragement and patience of The Key Clinic team, he mastered the techniques and ended up really enjoying the sessions. Change is gradual, especially at his age, but over the past six months, he has improved these skills remarkably."

    "During the Easter holidays, we went to Go Ape, where he was able to clip on and off the cables independently, and his balance on the ropes was greatly improved. The most important improvement we’ve seen is his willingness to try new things, which was previously a constant struggle due to lack of confidence and difficulty processing what was required."

    "Today, he is engaging more with the world around him, and his confidence in social situations is improving. It’s no exaggeration to say that the journey with The Key Clinic will change his life. Our only regret is that we didn’t find it sooner."

  • Mother of Samantha

    April 2018

    Concern: Hearing, Learning, and Self-Esteem

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Thank you so very much for giving us back the daughter we know we had! Samantha was born with severe hearing difficulties, and although the medics fixed her hearing, many developmental areas didn’t progress naturally as a baby, toddler, and little girl."

    "Samantha struggled hugely at school with learning, concentration, hearing, and self-esteem. The whole team at The Key Clinic has been involved in Samantha’s neurological journey, and we cannot thank them enough—from patience with her exercises to the cranial osteopathy and audiograms. We now have a confident, happy, and focused little girl, ready to take on the world! Thank you."

  • Mother of Harry

    December 2017

    Concern: Math, Speech and Language, Auditory Processing, and Self-Esteem

    Programme: NeuroMature, BrightBeatz

    "The difference in Harry after his treatment compared to before is incredible. When I first took him out of school, he couldn’t even subtract 1 from a number like 37—now he does all sorts of maths in his head very quickly. He’s stopped mis-hearing words and now pronounces words correctly."

    "He had a massive leap forward with eye tracking after his treatment with you. For four years before treatment, his results were always either the same or only slightly better or worse, with no significant improvements, but this change was remarkable."

    "Most importantly, Harry’s self-esteem is completely different now. He used to think he couldn’t do things at all, and now he knows he can."

  • Mother

    December 2017

    Concern: Sensory Processing, Emotional Regulation, Mood, and Self-Esteem

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "Our daughter suffered severely from sensory processing issues, especially with noise levels and clothing. Her difficulties manifested as negativity, sadness, anxiety, and daily meltdowns—a huge challenge for our family life."

    "After completing the 10-day Key Auditory Therapy and Neurodevelopmental Movement programmes, along with cranial osteopathy, the transformation in our little girl has been truly amazing. It’s been five weeks since completing the programmes, and she is completely unrecognisable—happy, much more at ease with herself, and with those around her. Her meltdowns seem to be a thing of the past."

    "We cannot believe the change; we could not have dreamed of or hoped for any better. Thank you to everyone at The Key Clinic!"

  • Father of Alfie

    November 2017

    Concern: Emotional Regulation, Mood, and Social Engagement

    Programme: BrightBeatz, BioTransform

    "I first heard of The Key Clinic while listening to Chris Evans speak highly of their ingenious approach to supporting children in areas they may struggle with. This encompassed a wide range of issues that, in turn, can be linked to behaviour and development. Not only did this interest me in terms of child development, but I also saw many parallels for my son, Alfie."

    "Alfie, a happy, loving son, struggled with his emotions to the point he would get uncontrollably upset about the smallest thing. After biomedical assessment and an audiogram, a programme was created for Alfie to assist on both fronts."

    "It's hard to say what exactly improved Alfie so much over the past three years—whether it was the parenting, maturation, or the programme—but I believe all three contributed. He still has his issues but always gets praise from teachers as a model pupil, interacts well socially, and, above all, is generally happy, which as a parent is all I want."

    "Everyone we encountered at The Key Clinic has been nothing but helpful and pleasant, making something some might see as stressful a positive experience. Alfie enjoyed the process (maybe except the improved diet) and was always happy to do what was required. I also found that the meetings weren’t just about Alfie; they also gave me a chance to understand what was going on, providing vital reflection time that made me a better parent to Alfie. For that, I can’t thank everyone at The Key Clinic enough."

  • Parents

    August 2017

    Concern: Mood, Writing, Coordination, Concentration, Hypersensitivity and Social Engagement

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "My husband was very sceptical at first, but he has been blown away by the changes. We cannot believe that in such a short space of time, it has had such a dramatic effect. From being a depressed child, our daughter’s mood now is just incredible! The other day, she started laughing uncontrollably—I have never seen this in her."

    "Her writing, hand-eye motor coordination, and concentration at school have all improved. At home, she no longer complains of hypersensitive hearing and is far less fatigued. Most importantly, she has started wanting to see her friends again."

  • Mother of a young boy

    August 2017

    Concern: Dyspraxia, Balance, Anxiety, Coordination and Confidence

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "Our son was diagnosed with Dyspraxia and could not sit on a chair without falling off it! Although very bright academically, he was being bullied at school and suffered regular panic attacks when being driven back to school. The assessment at The Key Clinic revealed the presence of many retained primitive reflexes, which were affecting his balance and coordination."

    "He worked diligently over several months through a neurodevelopmental programme until his system fully matured. Since then, he has made it to the A cricket team, no longer has balance issues, and is no longer bullied or suffering from panic attacks. In fact, some weekends, he says he’d actually prefer to stay at school!"

  • Father

    July 2017

    Concern: Academic Achievement, Coordination, and Mood

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "It has now been roughly a month since our daughter's last session of a fast-track programme. Every day, we are seeing improvement in her temperament, her school work, and her overall mood, coordination, and well-being. We keep pinching ourselves and keeping our fingers crossed that this will continue to improve."

    "We could not be more grateful and thankful for your help and commitment."

  • Parents of a teenage boy

    April 2017

    Concern: Dyslexia, Anxiety, Concentration, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "We brought our eldest son to The Key Clinic at the start of his GCSE year, as he had recently struggled in some crucial exams. He had previously been diagnosed with Dyslexia and suffered from great anxiety and constant tummy aches/indigestion. After an in-depth assessment, he was prescribed a 10-day course of exercises and Key Auditory Therapy."

    "On his return to boarding school, he achieved an instant 20% increase in his exam results across the board. Moreover, his anxiety and related tummy aches had gone. As he put it, 'I never knew how it felt to be able to concentrate before now.'"

    "He has just completed his A levels with all A*s and As. We also brought his younger brother for treatment and have just seen him win prizes on Speech Day for the first time ever. I cannot recommend the clinic highly enough. Thank you for your support of all our family over the last few months. All five of our children, including myself, have been clients of the clinic, and we have all seen massive improvements in concentration, coordination, posture, hearing, speaking, tracking, and, most importantly, confidence and general well-being!"

    "We have and will continue to recommend The Key Clinic to our friends and schools as we believe it is a wonderful facility right on our doorstep. We look forward to returning for maintenance in the future."

  • Parents

    April 2017

    Concern: Emotional Regulation, Mood, Coordination, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "It has now been roughly a month since our daughter's last session of a fast-track programme. Every day, we are seeing improvement in her temperament, her ability in school work, and her overall mood, coordination, and well-being. We keep pinching ourselves and keeping our fingers crossed that this will continue to improve."

    "We could not be more grateful and thankful for your help and commitment."

  • Mother

    March 2017

    Concern: Processing, Academic Achievement, Writing, Concentration, and Energy

    Programme: NeuroMature

    "The Key Clinic helped us considerably by enabling our son to understand why he was finding certain aspects of his education and daily life challenging. They took a very down-to-earth, practical approach to the diagnostic process and then provided easy-to-use exercises to help our son normalise how he processes information."

    "The results have made a significant impact on the ease of his writing, concentration, and energy levels. We are really pleased we were introduced to The Key Clinic, and we just wish it had happened a few years earlier."

  • Mother

    March 2017

    Concern: Confidence

    Programme: BrightBeatz, NeuroMature

    "My son is a completely different child after going through the Auditory and Neurodevelopmental courses. It is a joy to see him thriving and full of confidence. We feel so lucky that The Key Clinic has crossed our path. Thank you so very much."

  • Mother of Bertie

    December 2016

    Concern: Self-Esteem, Concentration, Coordination, Reading, Speech and Language, and Academic Achievement

    Programme: NeuroMature, BioTransform

    "Bertie is now a completely different boy than he was this time last year. He carried out a Neurodevelopmental programme and some nutritional work at the clinic, and he has been truly transformed by it."

    "He has self-belief. He can ride a bike! He has made it to the ‘A’ cricket team and the ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams in football. He is able to accept change, concentrates well, and is no longer easily distracted. Bertie’s use of language and words is now amazing! He is doing brilliantly at school and can read a book from start to finish. I cried—I am so happy and blown away by the results!"