The Key Clinic on Virgin Radio with Chris Evans

Our Founder Sarah Warley was at Virgin Radio yesterday to sit down with Chris Evans and discuss our multiple cutting-edge therapies to help children and adults achieve their full potential.

Sarah told Chris: “What we spend our time doing is trying to figure out what the root causes of difficulties are, rather than getting too hung up on the diagnosis and the label.

“For different people, there are different root causes. You can have three kids with anxiety or three adults with anxiety and three very different causes.


Speaking about retained primitive reflexes, Sarah explained: “These are reflexes we all have. When a baby is born, their brain is only about 20 percent developed, and that first year of life, we all do these little reflex movements, and they're there to create wiring in the brain to make things happen easily for us later on in life. Now, normally, they should have completed their process by a year of age, but sometimes they don't, and they hang around past their sell-by date. They're like Gremlins in the works. They mess everything up, your balance, your coordination, even your emotional responses to things.

“So, for retained reflexes, the way we get rid of them is we do these very slow controlled neurodevelopmental exercises; little movements you have to do every day, for sort of 5 to 10 minutes every day, over a period of time. And what you're doing is giving the body a second chance to develop, so you're re-stimulating until the reflex has had enough, then it throws in the towel, and it's gone for good. You don't need to repeat it. And that's when you get those breakthroughs in functioning."

Continuing, Sarah said: “You could have the best diet in the world. But if you're born not able to absorb enough of something, or to excrete enough, it's going to directly impact your neurotransmitter levels, and, and other things, your health, your immunity, your skin, all sorts of things. So what we're doing is giving the body what it needs to get it back to what I call its natural blueprint for functioning.”

She added: “Don't give up hope. There is tonnes you can do to totally turn around the future trajectory, whether you're an adult, whether you're a child. I think the key is spending the time to get to understand what the root causes are and targeting those, rather than just trying to suppress the symptoms eternally.”

During her chat with Chris, Sarah answered lots of listener questions and spoke more about dyslexia, autism, burnout, depression, anxiety, and chronic health conditions. Listen to the full interview.


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