The Key Clinic Approach to Building Physical Health Resilience
Instead of ‘fire-fighting’ symptoms when they become acute with drugs, we believe it is smarter to try to identify and treat the underlying causes that led to the symptoms in the first place.
The Key Clinic’s integrated, scientific approach targets the root causes of many chronic health problems, to encourage lasting change. This requires examining the complex interactions between many bodily systems, rather than a conventional, compartmentalised approach to health.
Our game-changing approach not only aims to tackle the underlying contributors to poor health and burnout, it actually help people feel great, so they can be their most productive, best selves every day.
We have not evolved to cope with the way the modern world works.
Changes to diet, a more sedentary lifestyle, increased toxic load, breakdown of communities, information overload have created a Global Physical And Mental Healthcare Crisis.
The existing healthcare system is set up to be reactive. We find a problem and throw drugs at the symptoms without looking for the ‘why’
It is ‘Sickness Care’ not ‘Healthcare’.
Many people are left underperforming and feeling less than themselves.
At a time when we are living longer and getting sick younger, we say it doesn’t have to be this way.
Therapy Research
Patient outcomes and costs associated with functional medicine-based care in a shared versus individual setting for patients with chronic conditions:
A retrospective cohort study
Cleveland Clinic Study Finds Functional Medicine–Based Shared Medical
Appointments Improve Outcomes, Lower Costs