Is your child underachieving?

Underachieving is a serious issue. It can limit future prospects, university, jobs and self-confidence, so parents and teachers are strongly motivated to solve the problems.

We see that despite best efforts, extra classes, repetitions and talking therapies don’t bring enough success.

There are no clear guidelines that can help underachieving children. In general, they have to work extremely hard to overcome their difficulties, and as a result, they become frustrated, disappointed and will lose their motivation.

Our approach to helping children who are underachieving is different. We see that for a high proportion of children, the cause of underachievement can be easily identified and remedied. It lies in the reflex profile of the child.

Reflex profiles and underachieving

Primitive reflexes are repetitive, automatic movements that provide the foundation for all motor coordination skills. We all have them in our early life.

When we talk about reflexes that affect education, we think about the ones that appear in the first year of life to aid the development of higher skills. These reflexes should be fully integrated by the time a child is one year old. This is also the time when the higher motor functions should take over.

Babies don’t kick because they decided to kick, but we expect our seven year old to be able to control her body. We expect her to sit still, hold the pencil correctly, read without skipping over words, or losing her place. But not everyone can. The residual reflexes impair movement control for the older child, making reading, writing, sitting still and playing sports difficult, despite high intelligence.

How NeuroMature Therapy helps

Our NeuroMature therapy will help your child’s nervous system to mature appropriately. From this place, they can achieve their full potential. By removing your child’s internal barriers to learning, the achievement gap is closed.

This approach uses simple, precise exercises to inhibit primitive reflexes and overcome blockages. This creates new neural pathways in the brain by maturing the nervous system.

A client recently got in touch with us to share some fabulous news on her son’s progress with underachieving since he began working with us:

“I just wanted to let you know that he continues to make great progress both at school and emotionally. He even won the progress report at school on speech day, and was made a senior prefect! In his end of year exams, he scored 85% in RE, the highest in the class!

In history, sciences and geography he scored in the mid 70%'s, he also got the highest mark in the map reading section in the latter. This is a long, long way from the 6% he was getting in his exams a year or two ago. We are blown away by his recent performance and really can't thank you all enough for everything you have all done for him.

He said to me the other day... 'Mum I think I am doing so much better, and feeling so much better because of The Key Clinic...' so that sums it all up really.”

Our NeuroMature therapy is delivered under the guidance of a Senior Occupational Therapist and can be carried out at home.

To find out more about how we can help your child to overcome underachieving, get in touch with us today.


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