The Key Clinic

The Key Clinic was founded in 2016 to help children unlock their full potential by tackling the root causes of learning and behavioural difficulties. 

✓ Our approach is multi-disciplinary, evidence-based and entirely drug-free. 

✓ We achieve game-changing results, transforming children’s lives and often the lives of their families too. 

✓ Good news travels fast – We have grown rapidly entirely due to passionate parents spreading the word.

Timeline of Clinic


The Key Clinic launches in West Berkshire, over a village shop, focussing on neurodevelomental exercises and Auditory integration training. 


We started providing Biomedical services to what we do, as we were unsatisfied with the quality of service our clients were receiving elsewhere


We began developing our digital platform and a remote, digitalised version of Auditory Integration Training, with Professor Joshua Reiss and Queen Mary University, London. 


We moved to a much bigger space in West Berkshire and also opened in the Harley Street area, London. 


We switched to remote delivery of all services due to the Covid lockdown and grew faster than ever.

Chris Evans told the nation that our work resulted in his son jumping from 4 years below his reading age to 2 years above it in a few months. We also began rebuilding the platform for better scalability


Opened clinics in Edinburgh and Sussex. Extending our Biomedical services to include Functional medicine for adults.


Ongoing growth/development of services. 


The Key Clinic and founder, Sarah, are selected to take part in Goldman Sachs ‘10K Small Businesses’. A fully funded programme designed to help high-growth potential businesses scale.

National Media began spreading the word: Virgin Radio featured programme on The Key Clinic, multiple ITV This Morning coverage; BBC radio interviews.


We moved to At Home TKC in the heart of Holland Park, London.

Brinda Kugapala leaves her post as Director of NHS Mental Health England to help lead The Key Clinic as COO—a huge vote of confidence in our proactive approach to optimising mental and physical health.

A message from the founder, Sarah Warley

When I became mother to four, wonderful children, I found myself plunged into a world I had little prior knowledge of.

I became aware of so many children struggling because they did not fit the mold and were a little bit different. I saw more and more children being given labels such as ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, but little real help available to explain what was causing their difficulties or, more importantly, what could be done to help them. I saw the impact these difficulties had on the whole family as they tried to bend and adapt to accommodate their struggles.

For some parents, differences were apparent from the time the child was a toddler. For others, it was only when they began school that it became clear that certain thingsdid not come naturally.

While it was clear that neurodivergence comes with so many incredible superpowers, it is also an uphill battle for many.

I refused to accept that receiving a label was the end of the journey and that the only option from there was either costly, ongoing support or medication.

I wanted to understand why the problems existed in the first place and whether it was possible to help make things easier.

I trawled the research and was surprised to find many evidence-based, effective interventions that could unlock children’s potential. However, these therapies tended to be available only through individual practitioners, often working from their living rooms, with knowledge only of their area of expertise. 

This is what inspired me to launch The Key Clinic nearly a decade ago. I wanted to create what I wished had existed when my own children were little:

  • A professionally run clinic with many game-changing, evidence-based therapies all under the same roof. 

  • A place that takes the time to assess thoroughly the root causes of the difficulties 

  • Somewhere with integrity, where a therapy is only recommended if there is evidence that it is likely to turn things around.

  • A place without arrogance, which does not think it has all the answers but continually questions how it works, assessing outcomes and staying on top of the latest research.

There is a saying that “you are only as happy as your least happy child.” I am thrilled to report that my children are thriving—all Oxbridge, all on top of their game, and all happy (for the most part!)

We called it ‘The Key Clinic’ because our mission is to unlock the potential of as many children and adults as possible, helping them lead happy, healthy, successful lives.

Now, there’s a good reason for getting out of bed in the morning!

Sarah Warley