Supporting Neurodiversity
In The Workplace

Do you strive to be diverse and inclusive, but when it comes to neurodiversity, where should a company begin? 

Educating your team to be more inclusive in their working and recruitment practices is a great start. Creating conducive working environments which do not overwhelm, but encourage better focus also help.

However, this is just the start. The work we do goes much deeper. 

We look beyond the office environment and dive deep into individual biology to optimise wellbeing and performance.

We work directly with neurodiverse employees to help remove the biological and functional barriers which can hold them back.

Based on 40 years of research, our evidence-based approach empowers neurodiverse individuals to succeed.

Supporting Neurodiverse Employees To Reach Their Full Potential

While being Neurodiverse has many advantages, there can also be many barriers to functioning, which makes everyday life and work a real struggle.

These can include:

  • Difficulty concentrating, becoming easily distracted

  • Difficulty reading or following auditory instructions

  • Feeling easily overwhelmed/Sensory overload

  • Struggling with anxiety

  • Struggling with social interactions

  • Low self-confidence

What makes The Key Clinic’s approach so different?

Unlike most approaches to ‘support’ neurodiverse individuals, we do not simply find ways to compensate or alter the environment to accommodate differences, we address the root causes of difficulties for lasting improvements. 

Take hypersensitive hearing, for example, something which affects many neurodiverse individuals. A company could ask them to wear noise-cancelling headphones or they might try to create a ‘low noise’ environment. This approach is not ideal as it currently limits the company's interactions with peers and can create a sense of separation. 

The Key Clinic’s approach would be to address the problem at its root, by providing Auditory Integration training to actually reduce the hypersensitive hearing instead. This has the benefit of lasting change which will help that individual to be able to function better in any environment. 

If we can remove the barriers which get in the way of healthy functioning, we become able to fully harness the power of difference. 

Benefits of Diversity In The Workplace

Neurodiversity is not a problem, but an opportunity! 

Big picture thinking


Lateral thinking





Neurodiversity is not to be ‘accommodated’ but ‘celebrated’!

Neurodiverse employees are likely to be the ones who come up with the next great idea or insight that helps propel your business forward. 

The majority of pioneering businesses, creating new sectors and seeing opportunities where others don’t are, you guessed it, founded by neurodiverse individuals. 

If you can successfully harness the power of difference, you will increase your chances of creating a competitive edge while optimising overall wellbeing.

Neurodiversity Inclusion At Work

Becoming a Neuro-inclusive company is important, not just because it is the right thing to do, but also because diversity makes good economic sense for businesses. 

  • Diverse teams are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors (McKinsey)

  • Diverse teams are 87% better at making decisions (People Management)

  • Decisions made and executed by diverse teams deliver 60% better results (Forbes)

  • Diverse teams have 19% higher rates of innovation (Forbes)

Diversity and inclusion has a positive ripple effect across the entire organisation, improving  employee satisfaction and engagement by fostering a psychologically safe work environment where all employees feel a strong sense of belonging and are empowered to consistently perform well. This promotes employee confidence that leads to innovative ideas. 

If you remove the barriers to your employee’s success, you remove the barriers to your company’s success.

How To Support Neurodiverse Employees

At The Key Clinic, we have the tools to help people bring their best selves to work every day.

For example:

  1. Providing information visually for some employees and for others, via sound.

  2. Creating environments conducive to focus with fewer distractions 

  3. ‘Safe spaces’ to decompress, if feeling overwhelmed.

  4. Not only selecting interview candidates who are extroverts with good eye contact. 

Many practical ideas can help you to recruit inclusively and encourage better well-being and productivity. 

The Key Clinic helps companies become Neuro-inclusive in several ways:

Providing Education:

  • Understanding the different types of ‘neurodiversity’ strengths/weaknesses and specific needs

  • Communications: How best to communicate when setting deliverables and providing feedback

  • Recruitment:  How to remove interview bias from your selection process

Providing evidence-based therapies for your neurodiverse employees to remove barriers to functioning and fully unlock potential. 

By taking pressure off employees who may be struggling as a parent of a neurodiverse child. We provide our game-changing therapies for their child, freeing them up to  become fully engaged  in work. 

What does it cost?

Our Educational programmes range in price from £1,000 - £5,000 depending on the depth and coverage of education required.

Evidence-based therapeutic programmes for individuals and/or their children cost between £1,500 - £3,000 per neurodiverse employee and are delivered over 6 months. These typically only need to be completed once for lasting change. 

Companies can choose to fully cover the cost of these individualised programmes themselves, or part -subsidise them. 

As a low-cost benefit, our work often results in huge employee gratitude and loyalty. 

It’s a win-win to be a neuro-inclusive leader! 

We are levelling the playing field for all. 

Neurodiverse Services at The Key Clinic

We work to remove the barriers that can hold neurodiverse individuals back:

  • Reducing hypersensitive hearing/recalibrating hearing

  • Improving focus and concentration

  • Maturing the nervous system

  • Improving overall resilience

  • Rebalancing the biochemistry

  • Improving eye tracking

  • Improving balance and coordination skills

  • Improving functional health and wellbeing

  • Reducing anxiety levels

  • Gut dysfunction

  • Immune resilience

  • Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS)

Support For Parents Of Neurodiverse Children

Neurodiversity also impacts employees who are not themselves neurodiverse. There is a saying ‘you are only as happy as your least happy child.” If an employee is concerned about a neurodiverse child at home, they will struggle to focus at work. 

The Key Clinic also works with the neurodiverse children of employees, to help create game-changing improvements. 

Neurodiversity Support Packages

We offer a wide range of affordable options for companies to be able to support their neurodiverse employees and families. These can be part subsidised by the company or fully paid for. 

Our programmes generally only need to be completed once and do not need to be repeated.

A one-off investment for life-changing improvements.

Payment Options/ Support

Option 1. Billed directly to employee

Option 2. Create a company-TKC account and discuss health subsidies options for organisations and employees


Step 1.  Initial Screening Consultation with employee (via Zoom or in person £175)

Step 2. Specific Assessments are recommended for employee (assessment prices range from £225 - £495)

Step 3. Programmes to address the root causes of learning barriers are recommended. (These range in price from £1,500 to £2,775)

Please call us to discuss how we can help your neurodiverse employees flourish. 

Please register your interest HERE to find out how we can support your company. 

The Key Clinic helps neurodiverse employees unlock their full potential

Please call us to discuss how we can help your neurodiverse employees flourish. Please call us on +44 (0)1635 761565 to learn more about how you can help harness the power of difference in your company.